Move Approval Functionality to Discord

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Move Approval Functionality to Discord

Postby sharplight » Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:30 pm

Just made an account so I could apply for a special character. This forum is out of the way, and it seems like Discord is the central hub for the community.

Hopefully I don't come across as rude, but there's no reason this couldn't be done through the discord. Special character requests, fluff requests, and suggestions could all be done through discord, and then you wouldn't be splitting staff logistically across two separate platforms.
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Re: Move Approval Functionality to Discord

Postby Mr_Signmeup » Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:39 pm

Thanks for your suggestion! However, the forums are the best place for these kind of things as applications are a poor thing to do with an instant messenger. Forums allow for more concise points to be made without a sudden influx of information. I, myself, regularly check the forums and ping the necessary people. Sometimes constantly if need be to get them off their lazy butts!

Sure, this could be done through discord via our modmail function but like I mentioned earlier. Discord is definitely not a place to receive criticism if need be for applications or suggestions. Forums assist in being more concise.
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Re: Move Approval Functionality to Discord

Postby radiantAurora » Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:20 pm

Mr_Signmeup wrote:the forums are the best place for these kind of things as applications are a poor thing to do with an instant messenger. Forums allow for more concise points to be made without a sudden influx of information.

This entirely. While not everyone checks the forums, they're a much calmer place than the discord server which really allows for time to be put into both making and reading applications, and since each one is it's own thread older ones aren't lost under replies to others.
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