[arokha] fleetgothic - perma

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[arokha] fleetgothic - perma

Postby fleetgothic » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:18 am

Byond account and character name: fleetgothic (Mont'Kais)
Banning admin: arokha
Ban type (What are you banned from?): perma
Ban reason: You, or another user of this computer of connection (fleetgothic) is banned here. The ban reason is: The wall of notes saying that you use "it's just RP" to excuse being frusterating to other players without attempt to work with them in any sort of RP sense (in that you sort of consider staying true to your character "roleplaying" more than actual interaction with the others), plus the fact that when we bwoinked you, that you literally approached a random person, asked if they were a griefer, and offered them access to toxins probably means you should not be playing here.
Ban length: Perma
Approximate time ban was placed (including time zone): 4-26-2018
Your side of the story: I know the toxins thing is a VALID reason to stay banned permenently. I'll get that out of the way. I'm not dismissing that, or anything. I understand that it is alone, a horrible thing to do, and is banworthy on it's own. Honestly, the roleplaying incident and the toxins should be two different things. I approached someone since they were acting like a griefer, and asked them that because I was bored. Not a valid excuse once again.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Why? I miss this server, and I had no idea that the roleplaying issue would be this much of a trouble, and was confused on why that made up most of the report. Lots of people enjoy roleplaying with me, and some even take it out of the server. I believe that your personal opinion on my character shouldn't dictate towards a ban. Unless other players have reported me. I'd like to know then. And I'd like to make a formal apology to the server for the toxins thing. I could post it in the discord, or in the forums, but I'd like to make that apology, even if I don't get unbanned. It's something I have to do.
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Joined: Tue May 30, 2017 7:08 pm

Re: [arokha] fleetgothic - perma

Postby Aces » Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:14 pm

Your name alone stirs unpleasant feelings. A quick look at your playernotes reminds me why.

Attempting to unload a gun, they shot a fueltank and caused it to explode. thankfully, no breaches. They have been warned, and informed of proper unloading techniques for the future. by Zalvine (TrialAdmin) on Wed, June 14th of 2017 Remove

(MANUAL BAN) Left a grenade in the hallway and cryo'd when it was found, disconnecting after. Appeal on the forums with an explaination. by Luminescent Ring (GameAdmin) on Sun, July 2nd of 2017 Remove

Murdered someone with a plasma cutter for saying "nigger" ICly. by Pyrophile (GameAdmin) on Wed, July 12th of 2017 Remove

Took the shuttle out without notice to CC as an explorer. Was told to request permission next time or fax CC with notice of intent. by JoanRisu (HeadAdmin) on Mon, February 5th of 2018 Remove

Sent ":)" over comms and gave a heavy hint as to why that was not okay. by JoanRisu (HeadAdmin) on Mon, February 5th of 2018 Remove

mrsignmeup has permabanned fleetgothic. - Reason: Metabudding with SuperTester2, with Super's character 'Gideon' acting as Mont'Kais' bodyguard. Appeal on the forums to elaborate on this. - This is a permanent ban. by Mr_Signmeup (GameAdmin) on Sat, February 10th of 2018 Remove

Went ssd as a scientist in the cafeteria for over an hour. by bwoincognito (GameAdmin) on Sat, March 31st of 2018 Remove

Was ssd as a scientist for over an hour, in the rnd airlock. this is the second time in two days. by BWOIncognito (GameAdmin) on Sun, April 1st of 2018 Remove

Attacked people more than once in the bar as a mouse. "Because it's an animal. And animals bite. Especially when they're cornered." Not as part of a scene. Was made aware that this is unacceptable. by VerySoft (GameMaster) on Sun, April 22nd of 2018 Remove

Given an extremely clear warning that further use of slurs like "faggot" will result in an immediate ban. Zero tolerance, they had their warning. by Demicus_Maximus (HeadAdmin) on Wed, April 25th of 2018 Remove

Warned that IC/RP interactions, while they do excuse some things, need to be reasonable. Having a soda can thrown at you does not warrant chasing someone into maint, cornering them, then attempting to beat them to death with a crowbar without so much as a word of RP. Also, they were quite snarky about the whole thing, like I was offending them for calling them out. :V by Demicus_Maximus (HeadAdmin) on Wed, April 25th of 2018 Remove

Guy generally is pissing me off today. First tried accusing the person he was beating to death of having called an admin, which is already a fucking stupid (but slightly funny) accusation. Then tried to pull the "ITS RP" card to excuse rulebreaking. Then got all snarky when I quite bluntly told them to either obey or get banned. Quite frankly, I should have banned them for all these things. Don't pull punches if they do it again, hit that hammer button. :V by Demicus_Maximus (HeadAdmin) on Wed, April 25th of 2018 Remove

arokha has permabanned fleetgothic. - Reason: The wall of notes saying that you use 'it's just RP' to excuse being frustrating to other players without attempt to work with them in any sort of RP sense (in that you sort of consider staying true to your own character 'roleplaying' more than actual interaction with the others), plus the fact that when we bwoinked you that you literally approached a random person, asked if they were a griefer, and offered them access to toxins probably means you should not be playing here. - This is a permanent ban. by arokha (HeadAdmin) on Thu, April 26th of 2018 Remove

IF they appeal, just leaving this here: [2018-04-26T00:12:31]SAY: Fleetgothic/(Mont'Kais) (54,55,3): (Science) Let this be a warning to you science. When I'm here, none of the eating shit. by Scree (HeadAdmin) on Thu, April 26th of 2018 Remove

As added information to their ban, they byond pager IM'd 1062 Aphelion with messages saying they'd allow them into toxins if they were there to grief, thinking 1062 was a new player because of a silly 'what is vore' question in OOC even though they were just joking. 1062 ahelped with a screenshot of the conversation. by arokha (HeadAdmin) on Thu, April 26th of 2018 Remove

If it took you this long and a ban to realize your behavior is obnoxious, you're not the kind of player I want here. I don't know who wants you here, but I know a lot of people who don't.
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