[suggestion] micro rebalance

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[suggestion] micro rebalance

Postby warbrand2 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:14 pm

was talking to arbon, prof. smokey, and others and this is a topic to hash out the idea of a micro rebalance not a nerf, as nerfs are taking away without adding.

[combat rebalance]
~damage scales with size, macros do more damage micros do less. lower than 50% size can only damage things that are at max 20% larger than them, this means no more micro punching a macro to death.

micro mechs
info: we already have a few of these but these are teh only way a micro can harm people of even size, said mechs would be useful for some jobs aswell like having a special one for mining and cargo.

~ability to hide under things for players under 50% size at the cost of lower movement speed for smaller people (speed reduction at 25% 30% and 49%)
info: the problem with micro how fast they can be... while yes a micro should be running they should more be focusing on hiding. abilities for smaller sized players.

hide under(49-25) ability to hide under furnature, when hidden mobs will not detect them unless they have mob vore enabled and even then it's only a chance.
hide in(25 only) ability to hide in furnature like coffee machines, and under the AI hologram places. warning hiding in vending machines may result in micro being bundled with next item ejected from the vending machine.

{micro item ideas}
with these ideas comes the removal of the ability to use most normal weapons. tools like the gardening stuff in botony, and the kitchen would be fine.

Toothpick sword
info: info melee for micros, to other micros it is a sword to normal sized person (25% micro as a base) it is nothing, to a macro well stepping on it will break it.

info: in the hands of a normal person its good for lighting a sig, in the hands of a micro its a torch.

micro tech stun rifle
info: well technically it's a reverse engineered illegal laser pen, with a stock and grip. holds 20 shots, like all micro combat can not damage something 20% larger than the micro.

micro tech combat rifle
info: a combat version of the stun rifle, only really effective gainst mobs.

flechette launcher
info: comes in two types home made and security issued. home made is more or less several toothpicks and a rubber band which can launch darts a good distance. secruity issued is a lot more powerful. is loaded with special ammo.

flechette: load 15 of them into a shotgun shell and you have a good shotgun load, or you can load one into a flechette launcher for a micro.

tracking flechette: sec only, for the micro to track the perp.

sleeping load: must hit target in the face to use.

micro bazooka (small, 25-35)
info: a single shot recoilless rifle that fires a 9mm bullet. yeah its a single shot shoulder mounted "pistol" but when 9mm is the size of a shoulder mounted weapon well this is as big as it gets.
reloading involves having a single round of amuntion dropping the weapon putting it in and picking it back up.

small bazooka
info: a rifle caliber version of the micro that can hold 2 shots (35-50) reloads via an internal reloading system.

info: to a normal person annoying to a micro its like throwing a stun grenade at them. (used by micros as a single item and by normal as a pack of 20 which hits a 3x3 area)

micro surgical camera
info: a hand held camera for micros good for showing the insides of small areas, need a picture for surgery stick a micro in them and have them use it with a 360 sweep works anywhere in the body... just remember to have something to allow the micro to be removed.

micro wilding kit
info: a welder made with a match, some redspace tech, and a bit of acid. uses acid instead of fire to melt/cut through metal.

combat against micros. if a PVP event happens where one must fight a micro, the first objective should be to stun the micro either with a stun grenade of some sort or by stepping on them. never try to shoot a micro you will just damage the floor. lethal combat against a micro, replace the stun grenade with a standard explosive. aim for the area of the micro not the micro themselves.

{micro walk ways}
bellow every major walkway on the station with exception of the elivator these would allow micros to move safely, just don't tell them that they are repurposed air vents.
Last edited by warbrand2 on Sun Feb 11, 2018 12:53 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [suggestion] micro rebalance

Postby Arbon » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:26 pm

The toothpick sword is a terrible idea, because getting stomped on is what makes a micro easy to fight in the first place. Walk over them with harm intent, auto stuns, auto-damages, can hurt them very fast while stunlocking them, and it's difficult to avoid without just running away and hoping a door doesn't slow you down. The fact doors do constantly slow you down means running away is almost always a terrible option on station anyway, because while a closed door slows you down making you easier to catch, the door is left open for your pursuer to follow through unimpeded.

If you make it so that micros suddenly have an option to fight back against THEIR BIGGEST MAJOR WEAKNESS then you've sort of stripped away the entire point of having it as a weakness.

Were micros to wield micro specific weapons designed to fight giants, then you'd be giving them tasers to stun people, bits of string to cuff-lock their legs, or tiny syringe guns for injecting toxins. Weapons an actual micro would realistically use in a fight, as tripwires, traps, and poison needles are a staple of tiny threats all across media.

The ability to hide by pressing something in the abilities tab that makes it so a monster won't notice you is the right idea, but doesn't help once the monster has already noticed you and is chasing you down. Not so long as ducking under the furniture and pressing hide won't mechanically stop them from attacking if they're already on the chase. If using the hide verb in a situation where you can be hidden means the monsters forget about you and stop attacking, then it'd function as intended.


Lastly, I'd suggest giving micros the ability to stuff themselves inside boxes, bags, shoes, or pockets. Meaning they could crawl inside something to hide without requiring a second party to put them there.
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Re: [suggestion] micro rebalance

Postby warbrand2 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:42 pm

yeah realized that bit about the toothpick after posting would cross it out but no clue how.
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Re: [suggestion] micro rebalance

Postby Scree » Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:10 pm

Click-dragging yourself into a container that's got room for a micro holder would be a pretty neat thing, and yes. More options for hiding in combat rather than actually fighting. Hostile mobs (or cats) show up? the micros should be scurrying into whatever bags and boxes are available. Hell, pretty sure doing so stops hostile mobs from targeting you.
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