United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

An online forum for Nanotrasen employees to access and communicate even while off station.

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United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby JoanRisu » Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:27 pm

Joan Risu writes:

Hey all, sorry for not being on station lately. I've actually been pulled from my security liaison job for a while for combat deployment along the Federation-Carassari border. I am on leave at the moment and have been asked to set up a program for NT personnel to be able to apply to acquire or, for lack of a better term, 'rent' Federation goods and weaponry. A training program is also part of this set up.

This includes the SQRL-MWPSB Dominator used exclusively by Federation Security. (Note: The Dominator requires background checks and a shining (and current) career in Security.)

Also included are custom made lighters, jackets, hardsuits, & faeries volunteers.
Coming soon are some new uniforms in the works.

If you are interested for things like jackets, faeries, shields, and hardsuits, leave a reply and we can work out the details together while I have the time.

For weapons, please apply for a permit for one weapon. Currently available is the Dominator, Gallian rifles, Wkd Butterfly Sniper Rifles, FN Five Seven, & ZM Kars. Please remember that permit approvals for these weapons follow NT Guidelines.

Keep in mind you have to talk to the NT Import/Export authority for final approvals. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby Aces » Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:20 pm

Jeremiah 'Ace' Acacius posted:

Are you sure CentCom will allow such a thing? The last thing we need on this station is more guns.
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby Aces » Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:20 pm

Jeremy Neil posted:

Says the guy who carries a UNSC shotgun strapped to his back. >.>
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby JoanRisu » Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:11 pm

Joan Risu writes:

Indeed Mr. Combat Shotgun.

I've been assured Federation Security will keep an eye on their loans along side Virgo Centcom Security. After all, the Federation isn't one for the arms trade and will insist NT does its part during the screening process. I'm also sure NT would probably like to take a closer look at the equipment and their performance. (Without destroying a research facility in the process, of course. Making screening and permits that much more important.)

Don't forget, we're also offering other things besides armament loans.
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby JoanRisu » Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:15 pm

Sachi Risu Writes:

Hello. We're also looking at making rovers available for your mining operations and asteroid transportation. As convenient as ripleys are, they are a little big and clunky for that type of function.
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby Tasald » Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:12 am

Tasald Corlethian Writes:

Does the 'renting' only apply to members aboard this station, or could one member have the cost paid but used else where, and in bulk? As well as other items like generators, and shielding equipment that isn't normally found on station?
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby JoanRisu » Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:38 pm

Joan Risu writes:

It depends on the equipment. Machinery equipment will be more freely available especially if there is a large surplus of them in the Federation.

Weaponry for obvious reasons will be restricted to NT stations that meet Federation Standards.
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby orbisa » Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:37 am

Lou D'angelo posted:

I am interested in a flare gun.. does the Federation manufactures those?
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby JoanRisu » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:06 am

Joan Risu writes:

We do have flare guns, yes.
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Re: United Federation Item and Personnel Exchange Program

Postby viveret » Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:23 am

John Mathews writes:

...wait, can I get a pistol?
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