[Ultimated] Toastadder - Server Ban

Moderator: Game Admins

[Ultimated] Toastadder - Server Ban

Postby Toastadder » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:41 pm

Byond account and character name: Toastadder/ Cannot remember my IC name
Banning admin:Ultimated
Ban type (What are you banned from?):Total server ban
Ban reason: No RP grabspamming, Using external means of communication
Ban length*: Permanent
Approximate time ban was placed (including time zone):It must have been around 1 month ago but I honestly don't remember when.
Your side of the story: I do admit to no RP grabspamming and to using Skype to communicate to another player. I was talking with the other individual as we are friends who are both reasonably new to vore station and were just getting used to the changes from previous SS13 severs. I was still getting to grips and was grabbing my friend because we were seeing if you could do things like grab throws and tabling from grabs.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I realize that what I was doing was wrong and that you should never repeat these actions but I feel that vore station is a sever that interests me and in a immature act of trying to gauge the code I made many very childish mistakes. I more rarely go onto Skype calls now and the people on them have no interest in vore station or SS13. I honestly realize that RP plays a huge part in any game such as SS13 and being a vore station increases that even more so I do feel bad for having done this but I believe that I have developed into a more responsible SS13 player who is wholeheartedly wishing to return to your sever.

Thank you for your consideration,
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Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:25 pm

Re: Toastadder Ban Appeal

Postby Demicus_Maximus » Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:33 am

Well, I find no fault with this appeal. I'm up for giving you a second chance.
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Re: Toastadder Ban Appeal

Postby Nightwing » Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:50 am

I've got no problem at all with removing this ban, and would be glad to have you back if you've learned from your mistakes!
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Re: Toastadder Ban Appeal

Postby JoanRisu » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:07 am

I have two admin supporting this appeal and you seem to have learned from this case.

Please be familiar with our rules and if you need assistance, please ask an admin or look around for a player willing to teach.

Appeal granted.
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