Byond account and character name: zombara, Anum Norwood.
Discord ID (if applicable): zombara
Banning admin: Host
Ban type (What are you banned from?): server.
Ban reason given: Just got unbanned, running around doing LRP stuff, messing with people who are afk, and generally not being largely un-understandable. Not sure if just unable to really understand english, or just trolling. A decent grasp of the english language is required to play here.
Ban length: Perm
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 2022/08/30
Your side of the story: i forgot, sorry...
Why you think you should be unbanned: Hello, everyone. Its again me. Yeaa, soon end 2024 AND start 2025... True, but the world is changing for the worse, there could be a solar flare that will cut off electricity, a nuclear warhead explodes on our planet.
I'm hoping you'll let me back on the project. And no, I'm not hurting the project. Why would I do that?
Hope dont want die.