[demicusmaximus] Curt - Harassment?

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[demicusmaximus] Curt - Harassment?

Postby Curtisimo5 » Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:50 pm

Byond account and character name: Curt5, Ghost at time of ban.
Discord ID (if applicable): Curt#3168
Banning admin: demicusmaximus
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Whole server, permaban.
Ban reason given: Reason: Reports of harassment of other users, with enough to confirm as such beyond a shadow of a doubt. We have no need for someone who is demonstrably hell bent on causing grief for others who want nothing to do with them. Given our golden rule is 'don't be a dick' this is a permaban..
Ban length: Perma
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 12/28/2022, 4:45pm est
Your side of the story: This is completely out of left field. I have no story because I have no explanation for this ban being placed in the first place. I have never been contacted by any admin or player about this subject, and at the time of banning, I was observing the Talon spelunking some caves while playing Rimworld in the other window.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I do not understand why I was banned in the first place, was never contacted about this subject, warned, or even heard a negative word from another player. I was essentially afk watching players shoot mobs and tabbed back in to find myself banned by an admin I'm not familiar with. Was this a mistake?
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Re: [demicusmaximus] Curt - Harassment?

Postby VerySoft » Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:07 pm

This was not a mistake, we received multiple reports of harassment regarding a particular person from trusted sources. This isn't really the kind of thing that one waggles a finger about and tells you not to do it again. The staff team talked about it and decided this was the best course of action.
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Re: [demicusmaximus] Curt - Harassment?

Postby Curtisimo5 » Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:12 pm

Genuinely, I have no idea what this is regarding, and that this went through without even contacting me first is just completely strange. Neither in the ban reason, nor in this reply, have you told me what I did wrong or provided examples of the behavior you're claiming to punish me for.
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Re: [demicusmaximus] Curt - Harassment?

Postby Demicus_Maximus » Thu Dec 29, 2022 4:54 pm

Right, so here's the situation.

Around... 6 or 7 in the morning, we get user X saying that user Y had proof that you were going around to other discords, trying to dig up whatever you could find to get Dragor banned.

Being early and there being a big stack of pictures, I go "Well let's put a stop to that", cause it looks like there was evidence for metagrudging, and dropped the hammer. After all, metagrudging has been a real issue in the past here on Virgo, and it's caused some of our biggest headaches, so I was pretty quick on the draw. And boy oh boy did that go well.

Flash forward about twelve hours and it turns out all those pictures were just completely unrelated nonsense, we had no actual evidence at all. Approached person Y directly and they're all "...nooooo, that is not at all what I meant" and it turns out we've been operating on a very shitty game of telephone this whole time.

So yes, I am unbanning you both on the game and on discord immediately. I would like to offer my own personal apology for not looking into it properly before giving you the boot. Please don't take any of this out on anyone, especially Dragor, cause at the end of the day it was *my* job to actually investigate... and I fucked it all up. I am really sorry for that.
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