[Dragor] hunterbirk - Permanent Ban

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[Dragor] hunterbirk - Permanent Ban

Postby hunterbirk » Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:21 pm

Byond account and character name: hunterbirk ; Aria Blue
Discord ID (if applicable): hunterbirk#2273
Banning admin: pontifexminimus
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Permanent ban from Byond Server
Ban reason given: "Attacked someone over a vore scene again, intent to ruin a scene that was private and they had no way of knowing it was non con or not. This happened before with them calling a kill squad on their predator they lured into a scene."
Ban length: Permanent
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): December 1st, EST
Your side of the story:

[This is going to be a condensed recount of the event from my perspective. I can already list the problems and how they could have been solved, this is just a play-by-play of my thinking and what happened. I full-well understand this was a poor line of thinking, and I should have just pulled out and got off for the night since I was not going to get any scenes. I apologize for the block of text that is here.]

Kobold intern (don't have name nor chat log, chat log lost due to ban) walked into bar and decided to show off to everyone there that they just ate the person they were helping. The person sitting next to me and I just stared at them in disbelief to them being a jackass and tauting that they ate a crew member. Seeing their belly struggle up a storm, I had made a comment to the effect that the girl devoured did not seem like it was consensual. They sneered something to the effect of "what of it" (Which I took as confirmation that it was a non-con vore). After telling them to let the girl out, the Kobold jeered something to the effect of "what are you going to do about it", I took that as an invitation to intervene (I assumed wrongly, and there was miscommunication until after the whole thing had happened). Pinning the Kobold down in the bar, I told them to let them out. My thinking *was* that I wanted to get eaten too, and the Kobold was going to eat me for "trying to rescue the girl" until the bartend pulled out the shotgun to break up the "fight" (they were not aware of the situation and wanted to make a show of force by pulling out a gun). Thinking the shotgun was loaded with real ammo instead of bean bags, the Kobold LOOC said they wanted out and I let them leave the bar without any pursuit. 20-30 minutes later the Kobold returned to the bar for something to eat. They asked me why I wanted to save the girl. The in character reason Aria gave was because she wants to protect everyone on the station. Actual reason was because I wanted a scene before I hopped off (I should not be bothering looking for scenes if I'm unsure of my partners. I had not interacted with the kobold before, and the scene was very uncomfortable for both of us). I had also made the kobold uncomfortable for giving a small amount of scrutiny for eating her, which I promptly apologized for LOOC.

I had thought we had come to agreement that we would just leave each other alone for the rest of the round LOOC, and we both went our separate ways from the bar. 10 minutes later I was messaged by pontifexminimus that "You attacked another predator. I'm done with you.", "There's no need to respond."

Both messages gave me the impression that I cannot discuss any of the situation with him, and that he had already made up his mind to ban me permanently.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

I will not argue that neither case was my fault. I'm not a petulant child that will toss all blame off myself and say pontifex is completely wrong. I am willing to concede what I did wrong (trying to get involved in someone else's scene, even if it was passively [I had felt at the time that the scene was shoved on me]). I should be more vocal in LOOC and communicate with other people what they want, even if it rips me out of the moment.

This is something I want clarified. I do not want to ruin other people's scenes. I played on Virgo since February 2020 and have been a very active member because I love what this server has to offer. I love interacting with every other character. I like doing my job. I like vore. So it would make no sense as to why I would willfully go out of my way to ruin other people's fun.

Both this event with the Kobold and the event where I supposedly "lured" a predator to get them killed were both misunderstandings of me reading the situation wrong and acting poorly. I had called one person for help when I was grab-n-gulped by a frog in the bar without any LOOC confirmation from them about their intention. My sleep deprived decision to call Sigmund for help over my PDA resulted in him bringing along one person to intimidate the frog into letting me out. Bolting for the maintenance halls, Sigmund and his friend beat the frog into submission, where then Sigmund decided to kill the frog with a blow to the head. I should have LOOC said for everyone to stop and OOC escaped to resolve the whole thing. I was rightfully reprimanded by Pontifex for being the cause of the whole situation.

I am willing to prostrate my own faults because I want to be a part of this community and I am willing to change my own behaviors to correct mistakes and to prevent the same mistakes from being made. The way the question is phrased, "Why you think you should be unbanned" seems wrong to me because I do not think that there is any concrete reason that I should be a part of the server. Allowing me to play for so long and enjoying myself with making so many friends has been a privilege granted by the owner and Admins who run the server.

I ask for forgiveness for the mistakes I have made. I have caused trouble in the past for both the staff and members of Virgo, and I am sincerely sorry for it. I am willing to discuss this topic further to tear into the mistakes I've made, however I fear I might be making this too long.
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Re: [Dragor] hunterbirk - Permanent Ban

Postby PontifexMinimus » Sat Jan 02, 2021 8:10 am

Use LOOC more. If you want to do something like getting eaten too, you have to clearly communicate it.
I don't buy it for a second personally, but I'll give you the benefit of doubt here.

If you ever pull a stunt off like this again and try to go "oh it was just an accident", you can bet your ass I will never unban you again.

Good luck, I think you will need it.

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