[JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

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[JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby Glitch » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:44 am

Byond account and character name: JGlitch, Johnny ''Glitch''? Maybe?
Discord ID (if applicable): JGlitch#9245
Banning admin: JerTheAce
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Whole server/Discord
Ban reason given: Baited new security players into attacking him just to troll them. Considering your history, this ban is permanent.
Ban length: Permanent.
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 2019-07-09 17:31:25 GMT+1
Your side of the story: Follow-up of previous appeal: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1703&hilit=jglitch . Things have changed even more.
What happened on that specifc round doesnt matter much, but in the previous appeal that was disscussed. My ban wasnt because of that incident but because of many previous incidents that slowly loaded the camel's back until it broke, and I understand why I was banned.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Well after being a full admin in a now defunct Fallout 13 server (Drymouth Gulch) and currently being a moderator in Skyrat, I've changed quite a bit, I'm not the shitter that I was before and I can relate to the staff team. I've dealt with quite a bit of LRPers, rulebreakers, griefers, repeat-offenders. I never thought I would be the one dealing with tickets and banning people.
I would like to be unbanned because a few friends still play here, and to show another community that I'm not the JGlitch I was before. Basically I want to clean my reputation, and even tho I'm already doing it in Skyrat, I feel like word spreads faster when its something negative or drama, not the improvement of a person.
So yeah, if I get unbanned you'll get just that, a guy that has learned his lesson and that will behave and cause no trouble, all I want is to hang out with the friends that still play here.
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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby ariever » Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:37 pm

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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby ariever » Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:45 pm

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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby Kenzie » Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:24 pm

hard pass from me tbh, while it is always possible that people can change you have a long history of showing the maturity of a thirteen year old
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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby nerdass » Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:42 pm

What the fuck is this thread
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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby Glitch » Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:51 pm

If I were to mess up and cause trouble, I would have a lot to lose. As a moderator in a high-pop server, I cannot be breaking the rules in other servers, causing trouble or stirring up drama.
I'm pretty sure that, if I did, I would be kicked out of Skyrat's staff roster and I certainly do not intend on that happening.
You got nothing to lose on accepting my appeal, and I have a lot to lose if were to squander this chance.
I know, I got a reputation because of things I've done in the past, but I assure you, that's behind me, and I intend on proving that if I were to get unbanned.
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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby Kenzie » Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:24 pm

tbh we do have very little to lose, but we also have basically nothing to gain so

if you get permabanned several times i think you should probably make a better case for your unbanning than 'th-this time will totally be different, i-i promise'
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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby DrYeehaw » Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:37 pm

Glitch wrote:If I were to mess up and cause trouble, I would have a lot to lose. As a moderator in a high-pop server, I cannot be breaking the rules in other servers, causing trouble or stirring up drama.
I'm pretty sure that, if I did, I would be kicked out of Skyrat's staff roster and I certainly do not intend on that happening.

Ehhh, this is a mod position for a fetish server on an already obscure game we're talking about, not political asylum. There's no need for acting like losing a position in a game is a life changer. Us needing to have leverage like this over you in order for you to be the bestest boy you can be sounds like needless work at best, and a disingenuous plea for a sort of "trade" at worst.

You're good at rp, but man everyone talks about the hassle it is to just deal with you. Honestly this isn't a second chance, this is closer to like a 6th chance considering how you've had similar experiences on servers like ours. I just don't see any reason why this time is suddenly going to be different. I'm going to vote no personally on this one, unless a headmin steps in and overrules me.

My advice? Find something else to do. You're a creative guy, so I don't see it being hard to find a hobby. I personally would go with fishing if you live near a river or coast. Sailfish just got in season after all, and nothing else looks prettier on a wall to be proud of.
Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said..."I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."
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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby Glitch » Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:46 pm

DrYeehaw wrote:
Glitch wrote:If I were to mess up and cause trouble, I would have a lot to lose. As a moderator in a high-pop server, I cannot be breaking the rules in other servers, causing trouble or stirring up drama.
I'm pretty sure that, if I did, I would be kicked out of Skyrat's staff roster and I certainly do not intend on that happening.

Ehhh, this is a mod position for a fetish server on an already obscure game we're talking about, not political asylum. There's no need for acting like losing a position in a game is a life changer. Us needing to have leverage like this over you in order for you to be the bestest boy you can be sounds like needless work at best, and a disingenuous plea for a sort of "trade" at worst.

You're good at rp, but man everyone talks about the hassle it is to just deal with you. Honestly this isn't a second chance, this is closer to like a 6th chance considering how you've had similar experiences on servers like ours. I just don't see any reason why this time is suddenly going to be different. I'm going to vote no personally on this one, unless a headmin steps in and overrules me.

My advice? Find something else to do. You're a creative guy, so I don't see it being hard to find a hobby. I personally would go with fishing if you live near a river or coast. Sailfish just got in season after all, and nothing else looks prettier on a wall to be proud of.

First I already got stuff to do. I play on Skyrat a lot, I admin there. I play other games, I grow plants, do stuff with my boyfriend, but that barely matters really...? As I said, I just want to clean my reputation, and I've been doing that on Skyrat, but I also want to show my change on the previous servers I got banned at. I want to reach a point where I can say ''I'm not banned from any servers''.
And secondly? No, losing my mod position for a fetish server isnt a life changer, I'm just remarking that it would be really, really, really dumb of me to fuck up again if I were to get my appeal accepted. Not only I would more than likely lose that position, but the little credibility I may have thowards Virgo's staff team.

Kenzie wrote:tbh we do have very little to lose, but we also have basically nothing to gain so

if you get permabanned several times i think you should probably make a better case for your unbanning than 'th-this time will totally be different, i-i promise'

I'm going to quote the denial post in my last appeal, Kenzie ( viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1703&hilit=jglitch ):

(By PontifexMinimus ) I'm going to be honest, I talked with ariever a bit more indepth about this, as well your escapades on citadel, which were pretty congruent about the stuff you did on Virgo.

While I don't think nobody can change, I am very skeptical you actually did, especially since the Hestia notes are what... Not even four weeks old? So at the current time I don't think you should return here.

You can try again in a month, as by the rules, but really I would give it like three. If Hestia or whatever other server you wandered to still has praises, I might actually consider it in earnest to bring you back.

But for now...


I'm just doing what I was instructed to in my last appeal... I just really want to play with the friends that still play in there, and I want to show people that I'm not the asshole that I was before... Please understand.
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Re: [JerTheAce] JGlitch. Permaban

Postby Kenzie » Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:51 pm

okay and in what sense do you think having THE PEOPLE WHO ENDORSED YOUR PREVIOUS APPEALS DO A 180 AND CONDEMN YOU show that you have changed?
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