Yell at Ace thread

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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Wickedtemp » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:11 pm

Attempting to force a blackmail scheme on a ban appeal sounds like something I'd be banned for if I did.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Heroman3003 » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:11 pm

Ace wrote:"Hey when I get back I want to review and ban these 10 people I dont like"

I am like 70% sure I was on that list lol.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Lio that there snek priest » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:13 pm

wouldent the generak subjective be that Ace is a horrible leader
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Iroquois Pliskin » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:14 pm

Heroman3003 wrote:
Ace wrote:"Hey when I get back I want to review and ban these 10 people I dont like"

I am like 70% sure I was on that list lol.

I probably was too. He'd find a way to ban me when I've played a total of 2 times in the last month, if that.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby HzDonut » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:14 pm

At least I don't need to question if I was on that list, eh? Anyways I made my post literally seconds before that massive dump by Ace, so give a moment to just say that his response to all this now gives me no confidence at all that he's even taking any of this criticism to heart nor will he change at all. I mean fuck look at all these posts, they all say this is a problem that's been happening for ages with no changes from Ace and that he needs to just step down. His response to all that? "I'm not stepping down and am giving myself one more month to try to change." Like man I get I did that exact shit in some of my appeals, and undoubtedly someone was ready to throw that at me upon reading that, but the difference between me and Ace is that I actually realized I fucked up and felt I could change, and actually did do so once I got my shit together...also I didn't do this over the course of YEARS. Like shit maybe an actual miracle will happen and we'll decide he actually "got better" but even so who's to say he won't just go back to old habits once he feels safe from getting booted from his position? I just don't feel very confident at all.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby zammyman215 » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:16 pm


Putting a bit more testimony on here from others that said I could do so when asked. You said you need to see what people say about you, uncensored. You've said that you welcome people challenging you and your stances. Well here it is.
Last edited by zammyman215 on Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Axelthegreat » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:19 pm

Now that the announcement is out, I'm going to make my full post here.

Let's start this off; I do not trust you, Ace. I do not believe you care about this community, I believe you care about being in charge. Not only have you admitted that you lied to everyone when you said you were taking an LOA, not only did you admit to not only considering, but enacting dishonest actions regarding ban appeals, not only have I seen you act with a hair trigger to no-warning ban those who I have or still do consider friends, but your actions have sent someone who is more than a friend to me into a panic attack by yelling at them in a voice chat. That is unacceptable.

Should I have made smaller complaints earlier? Yes. But I was afraid of getting banned myself. From the first internet community I actually felt like a part of. I considered making a throwaway account, but was too afraid to do so since someone may recognize my mannerisms, or events to which I allude.

I frankly don't care what you do in April, my vote is already decided. I've seen too much abuse of power. Too much of a lack of empathy. Too many times where you disregard advice or complaints from people who know the situation more than you. Too many times you've returned to these same patterns. Too many times where you showed that you are unqualified to be an administrator any more. To be honest, I don't believe you'll get better. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't believe that. And am fully expecting to be banned at some point for having said this.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby radiantAurora » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:23 pm

Axelthegreat wrote:your actions have sent someone who is more than a friend to me into a panic attack by yelling at them in a voice chat. That is unacceptable.

This I can confirm as someone who was at Axel's side when this happened.

Axelthegreat wrote:Should I have made smaller complaints earlier? Yes. But I was afraid of getting banned myself. From the first internet community I actually felt like a part of. I considered making a throwaway account, but was too afraid to do so since someone may recognize my mannerisms, or events to which I allude.

And this is how I've felt as well. I even expressed this to you when the only time I found myself capable of complaining to your face was when I was shitface drunk, and even then I couldn't find myself able to say much of what I thought out of fear of being banned.
Last edited by radiantAurora on Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Dhaeleena » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:25 pm

Am i surprised? Not really. I have been here a long time like many other people have, I may have not been here since day one but been here since 2014, Back then i was a 18 i was a shithead and a very toxic player, Ace, Demi, Kisuke and others likely remember it very well tbh. I didn't like Ace back when i joined but i was a shithead so he was the one punishing me and that's fair. I grew i became a better person, a better player, i grew as part of the community enough i eventually became an Admin. I remember Ace really REALLY didn't want me becoming an admin, But i remember him surprised at my progress and seeing me in practice as staff. Still those years not changed how i saw Ace, I had become an admin here specifically to make Vorestation a better place and every step of the way it felt like Ace was setting fire to the entire staff team progress on bettering things every few months. It was always like that, months of inactivity from Ace, Then he'd appear cuz he wanted to do some big event, change rules, kick people out, scramble things to his liking and disappear yet again. At first i did my best to enforce Ace's rules and policies, But not even he could follow them as id follow his words for months and he'd come back and completely forget what he had said or done months ago. I really never had any problems with the rest of staff, I only ever had problems with staff when it came down Ace's wishes VS what i thought would make more sense, Honestly at one point i just started to completely ignore any and all policies changes from Ace unless i saw a great majority of staff also enforcing them. It really felt like when Ace wasn't around there whole admin team was more harmonious until it was scrambled again. Ace you have always been VERY stubborn, Your idea is your idea and no one was allowed to touch it or go against it and being honest when i was part of Staff i always feared of speaking against you and being kicked out. In any case eventually i retired from staff, I wasn't mentally stable at the time of my departure and i was tired of dealing with the same ol struggle and back and forward of the server. Mind you, Not all bullshit is Ace's fault, I mean blaming Ace on all the bullshit that happens on the server would be silly, But ultimately the usual Admin stress, Plus having to deal with shit policies and rules i didn't agree with made me leave. So i sat down, I played every now and then and started to honestly 'wait' until you either started to do things better or straight out left, Ace.
I never liked you but i respected you enough to be on your Staff and work together to better the community i grew in.
Nowadays i just sit on the discord and chat with the friends i made along the way because actually playing station is painful.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby AZUCHI » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:30 pm

Something id like to point out is when i was in a vc with ace in the discord i tried to bring up an issue with virgo that being casual rp he entirely just fucking said that "i wasnt engaging in it" when other people were agreeing with me and entirely ignored it. And yet youre saying you wanna fix the space station BUT YET BUT YET youre saying you wont reply to any of this and will take notes. Which sounds like absolute fucking bullshit for. "not wanting to actually read the forums." Are you ACTUALLY READING ANY OF THIS ACE? ALSO what Axel said about ace attacking someone in vc is also true but they have done this to others as well. People are scared to talk out at ace in fear of being banned and youre saying that you will make a community vote there is almost seven fucking pages of this shit ace. people are trying to tell you this shit and it seems entirely like youre ignoring it.
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