{Sugestion} Round persistent economy.

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{Sugestion} Round persistent economy.

Postby Hank Walker » Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:16 am

Alright, so. First of all, I'm no coder myself, so I'm just sugesting on what I imagine possibleregarding what I have seen coded here so far.

-Idea: Linking each character to it's own account founds, so that they don't always stick to the money on role spawn, getting a small amount of money per shift, so that the economy doesn't get effed up.

-management: You'd get around 500 thalers for start up. Or whatver amount the development team sees fit.

You'd get a small amount of money per shift your character joins. To avoid cheats like "joins, leaves, join leaves, gets rich", It could be set to give money to each character present on round start / Present for X time (like 1 hour or 2 [Might cause players to idle for money]).

Maybe the money found around mantainances should be nerfed if this gets implemented, up to the owner.

-Payment: (I'll put a few jobs for a reference, being [round start] or [per hour active]. Of course this is only a sugestion.)

Assistant: 20
Cargo: 40
Cook/Bartender/Gardener: 40
Science: 60
Security: 65
Engineer: 50

Heads: 30 thalers bonus to their department payment (?)
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Re: {Sugestion} Round persistent economy.

Postby JoanRisu » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:02 pm

We've actually have been playing around with this idea off and on for a while. The problem is getting around the parts where no one is actually working and just hanging around to get their payment and ending up fucking up the economy anyway.

Which I would say "Well, if the person is not in their specific department area or afk, no pay for them."
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Re: {Sugestion} Round persistent economy.

Postby grey212 » Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:19 pm

I think the term here is necroing ,but what about a base pay and the green text bonus objectives for bonus pay?
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Re: {Sugestion} Round persistent economy.

Postby Aces » Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:38 pm

I was adamantly against a persistent economy when we first introduced money to the game, but over time I've softened up to the idea.

Yet the problem is what do we even do with that money? There's no point in having it if there's nothing we can spend it on. There needs to be a money sink for an economy to work in the first place, but the money sink has to feel organic.
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Re: {Sugestion} Round persistent economy.

Postby Wickedtemp » Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:03 pm

Tldr its just too complex to do fairly. How do you determine pay. What if one character works more than another. What if they slack off the entire shift or get kidnapped. I can literally take a resleeved dudes ID and empty the account, whats the consequence. Whats to stop an officer from issuing unjust fines and pocketing the money - sure its fun for them and cahses conflict, but they just took all of a characters round-persistent cash. What the hell are they gonna do? The guy who got robbed loses all of their money for several shifts until they make it back. And rule-wise, the guy who robbed him is 100% clean slate the next round.

It'd end up being such a pain to code in order to make it GOOD that nobody's going to bother.

Edit: Adding onto this, theft is already absurdly easy. Most people arent going to be buying more than a few protein shakes and won't notice if 1k goes missing that round. They might not even check their balance until the next time they log in. By then, its impossible to know when the money was taken or by whom. Whats the recourse?

What's stopping people from making new characters for the sake of giving away whatever cash they start with to their primary character or to a friend? What happens when someone in Command takes from one of the stations accounts?
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