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PastelPrinceDan / stars - Mentor Application

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:39 pm
by iforgotmypassword
Ckey: PastelPrinceDan

Discord: stars#4872

How long have you played VOREStation: About... two years now? Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less? I honestly can't remember.

Most commonly played characters: Masumi Maki, Maru/Weru, Malware, I Am Here To Do Things

Jobs you are knowledgeable about: Pretty much all of them except atmos (grr pipes),xenobotany (grr plants) and xenoarch (grr artifacts), with my strongest points being anything in Cargo/Mining, Medical and most of Research (save the two I mentioned previously). General silicon (borg/AI) stuff, too. Also general knowledge about basic mechanics or the vore system and such, which aren't jobs but are probably important as well.

Why do you want to be a mentor: I'd like to help new (or even old) players learn stuff! I try to do that already either when people ask things in OOC in game (or in cadet-academy, both when I was more active in the Discord, and since I've come back to it), or IC (which is why I often play RD/command roles in general), but I'd like to take it up a notch and assist those who mhelp as well. There's usually only one or two mentors around at the times I play, from what I noticed when I've bothered checking Staffwho, so I feel one more set of helping hands could be of use.

Re: PastelPrinceDan / stars - Mentor Application

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 5:48 pm
by Kenzie
Consensus was this should be approved.