Dracodith - Mentor Application

Are you interested in helping people play spaceman game? Apply to be a mentor and assist other players in the game when questions arise about mechanics! Applying will give you access to an in-game system where mentors can directly answer questions a player-in-need submits.

This is a community role and not a staffing role. More info on the pinned topic inside!

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Dracodith - Mentor Application

Postby Dracodith » Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:40 pm

Mentor application



[b]How long have you played VOREStation[b]
In this specific spell of playing, 5 months is the earliest I can find me sending a message about the game. However, I had played before that too for a manner of a few months before leaving for personal mental health reasons.

[b]Most commonly played characters[b]
Aseareia Avlagorna, Bodda M'ruv, Ravii (over on Talon), Ida Divildrun, Acer Walter... Non exhaustive list, but those are the most common.

[b]Jobs you are knowledgeable about[b]
I am well versed in most of the mechanics and inner workings of the game, as well as rules. Jobs I particularly know and what my area of expertise is are; Botany, Bartending, Cooking, Chemistry, Cargo/Mining (though thats pretty simple), Security (Namely how to use stuff and when to use it, and when to not), Pilot, Most Command (Again, mostly what *not* to do). I have decent, or near full knowledge of a few other jobs too, namely engineering and science. My knowlege in those is more niche and narrow, but I can answer most questions regarding it.

[b]Why do you want to be a mentor[b]
This is going to be more wordy than it needs to be, however I feel like the reasoning is fairly complex and I want to get the full reasoning across. TLDR I already help newer people on the server, just on a more individual level over discord. I enjoy helping people, and want to start helping the server as a whole. Now, if you want the full reasoning- It follows. Fair warning- Im a rambler if you couldn't already tell.

First and foremost, I absolutely adore helping people, and as i've played more over time I've realized that between playing here and playing on other servers, I have found out a lot about mechanics and jobs that I learned on the fly, and I've found that sharing that knowledge with others can help them an exceptional amount. I already do this on a smaller scale through some small groups that I've either formed or found myself in, becoming a sort of sounding board for their questions for both rules if they were worried over something or mechanics if they simply don't understand it. There also comes the fact that I simply adore the server and the people who play on it, and I want to help more if I absolutely can by trying to move to helping people as a whole instead of just the few people who happen to have found me.

The second reason is more on the side of me personally, and what I want to do here. I love this server, and I want to do more as I said before. My end goal in the future is to try and apply for staff at some point, and while this is not a *literal* stepping stone for that, it is for my brain and how I view what I want to do. Being able to help people is the focus, and a part of this is trying to convince myself that I can do that. For me, I think this is the best way to start helping people and the server as a whole.
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:37 am

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