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Special Character Applications Format and Rules

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:01 pm
by Aces
This is where you can post your applications for playing as whitelisted species and special characters that normally don't belong on a space station like ours, such as for long-term events.

See here for some examples of what might require an SCA:

You'll have to make a separate thread for each application, as each application is subject to its own criticisms.

Be prepared to deal with criticism here. Anyone on the forum is allowed to post on your application to give feedback, so if your idea is shitty, people will let you know.
That being said, the global rules about forum etiquette still apply, obviously.

How to apply:

Your subject line should be formatted in the following format:
BYOND Username - Type of thing you are applying for (e.g. Species/Language/Job/Fancharacter/Fluff) - Specific thing you are applying for (e.g. Vox Clown)
Example: JoanRisu - Species/Job - Xenochimera Mime

Use the appropriate template for the application you are pursuing:

Code: Select all
[b]BYOND CKey:[/b]

[b]Names of Characters you play:[/b]

[b]How long you've been playing Vorestation:[/b]

[b]What Species are you applying for?[/b]

[b]What are typical names for the Species?:[/b] (Either provide general naming schemes or show us examples. If you’d like, you can also show us your intended character’s name!)

[b]Describe what you know about Species:[/b]

[b]What would be a typical way for this species to start working for NT?[/b]

[b]Do you have a specific character background in mind?[/b] (This is optional, and can be added after the original application if you believe it will help with your application, or a staff member asks for it.)

[b]Give an example of RP with this species:[/b] (This is optional, and can be added after the original application if you believe it will help with your application, or a staff member asks for it.)

[b]Do you want to detail anything further?[/b] (This is optional for whatever you deem should be in your application or help you succeed in approval.)

Code: Select all
[b]BYOND CKey:[/b]

[b]Names of Characters you play:[/b]

[b]How long you've been playing Vorestation:[/b]

[b]What background are you applying for?[/b] (Be it military, pirate, et cetera)

[b]Why is this special background necessary for the character?[/b] (These reasons can be as simple as ‘has been recruited during an event and now wants to make them a station character - if this is not the case, we need to know what is enhanced in RP by bending the rules a little.)

[b]Why does the character work for NT?[/b] (There needs to be a reason why the super-rich, the kings and queens and generals work on an edge outpost far away from civilization. “Seeing the world” is often quoted, but has been determined to not make much sense – after all, the employees practically work on an oil platform insularity.)

[b]Give an example of RP with this character:[/b] (This is optional, and can be added after the original application if you believe it will help with your application, or a staff member asks for it.)

[b]Do you want to detail anything further?[/b] (This is optional for whatever you deem should be in your application or help you succeed in approval.)

Code: Select all
[b]BYOND CKey:[/b]

[b]Names of Characters you play:[/b]

[b]How long you've been playing Vorestation:[/b]

[b]What language are you applying for?[/b]

[b]What character speaks this language?[/b]

[b]How and why did they learn it?[/b] (This doesn’t need to be dramatically important to the very fabric of the character, but a reasonable story for knowing it is required.)

[b]Do you want to detail anything further?[/b] (This is optional for whatever you deem should be in your application or help you succeed in approval.)

Code: Select all
[b]BYOND CKey:[/b]

[b]Names of Characters you play:[/b]

[b]How long you've been playing Vorestation:[/b]

[b]What job are you applying for?[/b]

[b]What character will perform this job?[/b]
[b]Why did your character pick up this job?[/b]

[b]What is your goal of performing this job?[/b]

[b]Give an example of RP with this character:[/b] (This is optional, and can be added after the original application if you believe it will help with your application, or a staff member asks for it.)

[b]Do you want to detail anything further?[/b] (This is optional for whatever you deem should be in your application or help you succeed in approval.)

Then just wait!

We ask the community to please weigh in as much as they can. In order to be approved, either one supervisor admin, the admin in charge of the species, and/or at least one other admin must approve (this differs between species, contact the admin in charge of each for more specifics).

Thread Rules

  • Supervisor Admins and above have the final say in applications. Should an application be accepted or rejected, no reason has to be given.
  • Lore Masters can also approve applications, but supervisor admins and above outrank them.
  • Applications made in Discord are mirrored here after approval for the purposes of archiving.
  • Applications can also be revoked without warning or reason by Supervisor Admins and above.
  • Repeated applications (e.g. within 1 week) after a rejection will be ignored and possibly penalized.
  • Any players are allowed to weigh in with their opinion of whoever is making an application. This is to let the community have a say.
  • Posts must be relevant to the discussion. Off topic content may be removed without notice.
  • Keep discussion civil. Personal insults should not come into it.
  • Applications take time to process. If you feel nothing is being done, you are allowed to bump the thread using the forum's "Bump" feature without any repercussions.
  • These rules are subject to change at any time and for any reason.

Re: Special Character Applications Format and Rules

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:32 pm
by Aces
If your app requires a whitelist, once it's accepted, it can be added to the server through Github.