UnkindNaysayer | pre-empting Pawpad's mod actions or assumpt

Want to play a Vox? A Diona? A special snowflake former l33t SWAT Spetznas supersoldier failed experiment from Deathkilldie-6? This is where you come to pitch your ideas for everything normally not allowed as characters on the server, so we can mold it into something usable.

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UnkindNaysayer | pre-empting Pawpad's mod actions or assumpt

Postby Surfer » Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:08 pm

b]BYOND CKey:[/b] UnkindNaysayer

Names of Characters you play: Surfal Hoptokins, Buckler, Bohd Chech, Pawpad, Myrna Rednettle

How long you've been playing Vorestation: 8 months, i think

What background are you applying for? (Be it military, pirate, et cetera) My character is a TF'd rat created by my maint pred, since being elevated he has taken on responsibility for leading the mice sympathetic to Groggles, having a ragtag sort of army of mice around him. He operates off a medieval level of technology formed from the scraps of the station.

Why is this special background necessary for the character? (These reasons can be as simple as ‘has been recruited during an event and now wants to make them a station character - if this is not the case, we need to know what is enhanced in RP by bending the rules a little.)
I made up a lot of lore developing this character as well as Groggles. My off-screen army of mice for flavor who rally around Groggles as a symbol as a big example. I recently felt compelled to create this application when it occured to me Pawpad isnt a typical employee. Since he was born here and is effectively a feral rat that got turned anthro, hes ignorant of the world outside of the station, much of the technology that powers it and the rules of the station. Plus the way I use mouse behavior off-screen to imply Pawpad has people working for him may run afoul of Gary Stu rules or making up lore or something. I just know this character has a lot of red flags.

Why does the character work for NT? (There needs to be a reason why the super-rich, the kings and queens and generals work on an edge outpost far away from civilization. “Seeing the world” is often quoted, but has been determined to not make much sense – after all, the employees practically work on an oil platform insularity.)
He was created here, his main career is managing and directing the feral mice for his creator as well as managing their forces but as far as NT is concerned, he simply found an abandoned ID and started working to blend in to advance his personal goals.

Give an example of RP with this character: optional, bad at self RP.

Do you want to detail anything further? (This is optional for whatever you deem should be in your application or help you succeed in approval.)

I wish to pre empt some things I feel may be a concern with Pawpad because they have made me nervous despite no complaints.

Is this character hostile to Nanotransen?
No, his only orders from Groggles for NT are to observe, gather information, defend mice from lizards, and make reports (none of which are read because Groggles doesnt care, is illiterate and Pawpad can barely write). He has no personal desire for conflict with NT because they possess technology he can't reproduce in maint, combined with the way he sees NT as the "God of the land" since the station was created by them and he has no frame of reference for what a corporation is. Not to mention conflict runs the risk of a proper exterminator being brought on.

How exactly was he created?
Using vorish shenanigans off screen with Groggles, the process is CV > prey transfer to UB > transformation and soul imbuement, then being reborn with an innate familial connection to his creators.

Is this character racist to lizards?
No, when I was adding hostilities with lizards to his character behavior, my inspiration was entirely the fact that the two infestation events are mice and lizards. I was completely unaware with the SS13 community's history of racist jokes involving lizards when I made this a part of his character. His hostility to lizard kind is entirely due to the off-screen fighting between mice and lizards and involves zero actual xenophobia. His mild hostility towards lizardkin like unathi or dragons are born out of taxonomical ignorance, and assumptions that they must have connections. I repeat, this was never intended to be a "it's part of my character to be a racist dickhead" angle and haven't used it since I found out about the racist meme associated. Wanna check if its okay, and if not, I can adapt it to only apply the lizard simple mobs, only the feral infestation iguanas, or just drop it entirely

Is this character hostile to employees? Not really, but he is a bit of an aggressive braggart who overestimates his might. I have no intentions of randomly attacking employees with no leadup or just randomly insulting people (hostility to mice usually provokes directed hostility from Pawpad) and since this character does bring a hostile prey vibe, I always try to check in LOOC to make sure I'm not being too mean. The entire point of his hostility is to bring unique unwilling vibes, and since he's a foot tall, I dont intend my threats to be taken seriously.

You have an army?
Groggles started sticking up for feral mice when he saw crew members bullying them. After a few of his little petty vengeances, mice started talking about him and organizing near Groggles. Once the giant rat that makes all of the rulez created Pawpad, the mice had someone they could directly interact with to organize under (Groggles basically doesnt care about things outside himself) who was associated with Groggles. The "army" is intended to be a background thing for silly stuff, there is incompetence at every layer from the lowest mouse to the strongest soldier, so they are ineffectual as a force against anything other than maintenance pests. Once again, never leading this into a "hostility with NT" subplot. Just an army of feral mice fighting off all the other maintenance pests for space while trying to keep out of the way of NT. Not all feral mice are associated with this group, just the few that felt like organizing.

Been pretty nervous that some of his behavior raises red flags, or people may make assumptions for his reasons, or even just all the silly stuff I describe working for Pawpad behind the scenes with mice would violate a character creation or lore rule. Just wanna make sure that my character isnt a source of problems, despite the way I want to develop him. Not used to playing characters who are casually mean either. I don't intend this character to run around acting like a dick and putting people down, he has reasons he will start being angy. but I just want a character who isn't super friendly all the time like my others. Really hope this character isnt a big problem because I like his design enough I just got a ref finished.
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Re: UnkindNaysayer | pre-empting Pawpad's mod actions or ass

Postby Surfer » Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:28 am

Yeah, sorry, I kinda panicked and wrote this up after someone questioned me on my character lore, brought up a few issues with my "military" background leading idiot mice and informed me of the racist lizard meme. I felt it necessary to go through it all.

I didn't think the mice army would be an issue because it's not even a blip on the radar as far as even basic power levels go nor am I making up any significant happenings with their activity or events that would have been noticeable or disruptive since I assume it's more for "commando badass" type characters making up wars that never happened within the lore rather than idiot mice skirmishing with lizards for turf in the crawlspace
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Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:39 am

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