UnkindNaysayer | Hanner Application

Want to play a Vox? A Diona? A special snowflake former l33t SWAT Spetznas supersoldier failed experiment from Deathkilldie-6? This is where you come to pitch your ideas for everything normally not allowed as characters on the server, so we can mold it into something usable.

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UnkindNaysayer | Hanner Application

Postby Surfer » Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:33 pm

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BYOND Key:UnkindNaysayer

Species you want to apply for: Hanner

Name of Characters In-game: Current characters I play include Surfal Hoptokins, Myrna Rednettle, Ted Buckler, Pawpad and Groggles. My hanner character has been named Bohd Chech

How long you've been playing Vorestation:4 or 5 months

What is this character's backstory?: A young equine stud who works as a gym trainer. Unaware the reason his father left at a young age was because he was a Lleil, the secret of his origin has been kept from him, not that he hasn't had incidents where powers have manifested leaving him with much explaining to do. He has been transferred to NT after a particularly hard to ignore incident of shapeshifting in public during a climatic emotional state. Partially there to be studied, partially there to cruise the gyms

Some example names of the species: Lleil names are typically gaelic in origin, using Irish mythology as a base. Hanners are expected to have normal names however based on their parent species

Summarize what you know about the species: Hanner are typically the abandoned children of Lleil, their manifest of their origins is suppressed by the non-Lleil parent's DNA. They can draw power from the glamour to shapeshift or transmute materials. They can tap into the powers of their heritage with practice. Not sure how much lore I should add here for Hanner specifically or the Lleil as well.

Play out the following simulated RP scenario (also feel free to alter this, as it is just an example scenario):
Recruiter: "So, tell me about yourself... what was your name again?"
You: my name is Bohd Chech, I've done a lot of work as a personal trainer.
Recruiter: "Riiiiiiight..." The recruiter scribbles on his notepad, taking down notes. "Tell me about how you came to live on Virgo Prime."
You: I was in the locker room with the guys after a set... Things got passionate and... Well you read the report, surely. I turned into an animal. I'm here to figure out how the hell that happened...
Recruiter: The recruiter nods, hardly making eye contact as he reads off the standard list of questions. "Do you have any past experience working on NanoTrasen stations?"
You: Only for brief periods, usually just to help someone shed off some holiday weight.
Recruiter: He nods again, writing down some notes, or perhaps doodling. It's impossible to tell which. "And what do you think you can bring to the company?"
You: Aside from research and musclemen? I used to manage my own gym, including cleaning, paperwork, hiring, and team management.
Recruiter: "Very well. Thank you for your time. We will contact you as soon as there is an opening suited for you." The impatient recruiter finally looks up again and waves the applicant along, ready for the next potential new employee.
You:Very well, thank you for your time. Please consider me closely, this shapeshifting business is rather... Scary to have happen all of a sudden.

Why do you want to play this species?:I want the possibility or feral RP without having to dedicate my entire round to crawling maintenance. As far as SFW bits go, I have something planned for a puppy mode feral for cute stuff.

What do you expect them to bring to the station's RP by this character being allowed?:I know a lot of people are into intelligent ferals, but maintenance predators as I play them have a hard time justifying speaking aside from Groggles, not to mention can'tleave maint for extended periods. I also want to discover more about the Glamour in character as someone who has a legitimate, personal interest and it could create an interesting RP moment in glamour expeditions
Last edited by Surfer on Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: UnkindNaysayer | Hanner Application

Postby Surfer » Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:02 pm

Also sorry if I messed up on the application here I was panicking to finish it because my break was ending and I didnt know if this forum has drafts for saving unfinished writing. I'll try again in a week if I must, but genuinely interested in the Glamour and its lore

Should I have actually prepared a character before this? i already have one I was gonna design later
Last edited by Surfer on Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UnkindNaysayer | Hanner Application

Postby satinisle » Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:38 pm

So there's a few things I want to address with this application, for now the application is being denied.

Firstly, you've not really demonstrated much understanding of the lore around the species, it's a very thin reading of it. I know you said you rushed it on your break, but I think that to be approved you should really find the time to sit down and give a proper think over for an application. It doesn't give me much faith that you'll approach the character with the same subtleties that the other applicants so far would. Also, the basis for the Lleill names are Welsh, rather than Irish.

Secondly, I do understand the want to make good use of the feral mob transformations, they're obviously there for a reason. But one of the things that I'm looking for in applicants for this species is people that will use the ability sparingly, and the want to go more "puppy mode" publicly does make me a little apprehensive about that. This ability is very out there for virgo, and has the potential to be quite disruptive if people are using it regularly to be a cute doggo in the bar every shift, so I'm being more cautious about this than you might think is fair. I want to see the primary reason for playing as this race to be the fae aspect of it, as opposed to this specific ability.

The actual character's backstory is fine. Horse dude who's just coming to learn about some hidden abilities fits the theme well. But I want to know that it's going to be played a bit more on the down-low, and less "Yo, I have these weird abilities, experiment on me". Coming to virgo to find answers is a great idea, and I support that, but I think it should more be because of the lleill activity and less about the science labs going at you. I know you're into the feral characters, and I am too, I just don't know you quite well enough yet to just take this application for granted. So, I'd like you to have another go at fleshing out the application, make it clear that you understand the lore more deeply and reassure me that your IC behaviour will be subtle and not disruptive with the beast mode ability in particular. I do think that giving it a week (at least) to mull it over is a good idea.
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Re: UnkindNaysayer | Hanner Application

Postby Surfer » Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:27 pm

Thank you for taking the time to give me a proper review and I guess I did rather rush this out a bit too hastily. I was getting a bit excited to do bits like I did as Ian on classic servers and it makes sense that you don't want people doing that outside of dorms. Are these kinds of things a hanner should hide even after figuring out how to control it? Is there any supplementary material I should consider that is not available on the wiki for Hanner, Lleil, and the glamour?
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Re: UnkindNaysayer | Hanner Application

Postby satinisle » Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:37 pm

Whether they should hide it or not is more up to the specific character, the main thing that I don't want to see is that people use it as a constant gimmick where there's constantly talking animals running around the station, just for the sake of being cutesy and silly (though that can still be done, in a know-your-audience kind of way). I certainly don't want to imply that the ability needs to be restricted to the dorms only, just that I don't want people to overuse it in a way that can get old for other people very quickly. The ability is rather limited at the moment, in that you need to drain another person to use it more than once, but I'd still like people to be subtle with it in the sense of using it sparingly and not as a means to show off, in ways that make sense from an IC perspective.

The only lore you need to know is what is on the wiki, but I don't really want to see it regurgitated at me, rather that I want to see that your understanding of what I was going for with it. That the goal is to be very fae-like, what sort of experiences a hanner may have had growing up, how they might see the universe a little differently.
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Re: UnkindNaysayer | Hanner Application

Postby Surfer » Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:41 pm

I will return once I have considered much of the lore more carefully. For now let's continue this conversation on a single website, lol
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Re: UnkindNaysayer | Hanner Application

Postby Surfer » Wed Sep 18, 2024 1:20 pm

So do you want me to use the whole format again, or just the parts I'm changing? Also does whitelist apply to my Ckey or do I already need a slot/character set up to check a flag on? Kinda procrastinated on àctually making his character in game so far because i keep making plans at work to jump into immediately when getting home

I get what you are going for both in the bigger picture and day-to-day interactions but not sure how to phrase it without sounding like I'm just reciting stuff from the wiki. I was never any good at writing out productive stuff over interactive smut.

Honestly it's fair if you just reject me here, I know I'm not as serious as others have been, and might not bring the same overall quality and probably haven't been around as long as them. I just think the whole glamour thing was super interesting and maybe jumped too fast to get myself involved directly. I don't want to cause trouble for something you've worked hard on.
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