Quick Swipe Purple Eyed Shadekin

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Quick Swipe Purple Eyed Shadekin

Postby somekindofpony » Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:19 pm

BYOND Key Luminescent Ring:

Species you want to apply for: Purple Eyed Shadekin

Name of Characters In-game:Quick Swipe or Sound. Normally calls itself Sound around nonshadekin, because language to empathy is tricky (If applicable)

How long you've been playing Vorestation:Nearly six years before a three or four year break, long but I can't remember. Old account name is Somekindofpony, which is much older and spent a lot of time on vore station before swapping ckeys.

What is this character's backstory?: Quick Swipe adores learning new secrets, whether it's memories of a fight with powerful warrior, who the tastiest girls are, or just fiddling with mysterious technologies that are hard to translate the concepts of through empathy. This ravenous goblin never bothered to learn common, or any other non empathy language because in all honesty, they were too imprecise and unemotional for it. Before it's naming ritual, Quick Swipe would watch red eyed shadekin spar with the skills they gleamed from redspace monstrosities and the strongest realspace warriors, like the 'Eeeee arrrr teees", (Emergency response teams), or the merciless pulse laser warriors known to them as 'living stars' in empathy, known to us with language as the infamous highly secretive deathsquads. Battle fascinated it, but it's special interest was mysterious technologies like bleepers (computers bleeping through ones and zeros and sometimes are people!), recreational thingies like video game consoles that it might call "rarrrr fight fight fight fight!!!" Sound tends to collect realspace objects that it finds interesting, and take them to a little hidden nook where it can use them while it's spending time in real space, to learn about them so it can bring the knowledge back to the dark for it's friends to learn from! It might take various armors and claw at them, or using tools to see how durable these materials are for accurate simulations in the dark, and to teach fellow brawlers how to survive fights with realspacers, bringing back memories of the most powerful it watches, and watching how the redspacer shadekins battle them.

In dark society, the red eyes often think Quick Swipe is a cowardly rogue that brings cool things to them, while blue eyes might consider it a bit too violent and risky to be in realspace with it.

Languages are picked up and dropped on convenience, only using words that get it what it wants. If it finds that one word gets it food, it will use and abuse that word until it stops working, if it finds a phrase that instigates a non lethal battle, it'll try it on anyone who looks tough, and try to get a fun brawl in! (Quick Swipe finds ambushes easier, but only for hunting prey, otherwise it's boring (because like that would be bad goblin behavior otherwise)

Some example names of the species:Quick Swipe (name for a roguey shadekin who doesn't like drawn out battles, relying on speed and wit instead) Tender Paw (Possibly for a blue eyes who finds healing others to be very enriching), Forest Tender (For maybe a green eyes that lives in a grove, tending to it and avoiding sapients.)

Summarize what you know about the species:Shadekin are lovable puffballs of mischevious energy! They come from a higher dimension called the dark, made up of energy that is sensitive to the imagination of it's residents. Shadekin used to be an ultra space faring society before collapsing and losing all knowledge to history, reduced to rumors, and have evolved and adapted for the dark. Shadekin collect energy from the dark to phase out (which is very exhausting and not fun to do, especially in bright lights) and travel between spaces. Social shadekin like to collect knowledge to try and improve their circumstances, while more brutish ones who get highs off of adrenaline from battling might be avoided more except by fellow adrenaline junkies, or those who share interests. They are a fallen society that the survivors have evolved to live in the dark, that fulfills most needs except that of exploration.

Play out the following simulated RP scenario (also feel free to alter this, as it is just an example scenario):
A girl was playing some smash siblings ultra godslayer XVII in her office, unaware of a hidden presence hiding between the space in the walls. Quick Swipe was watching intensely while the girl played, paying the most attention to the winning characters of the fight. It wanted this console and game, but it didn't know how to operate it yet, and the last time it stole something like a PDA, it couldn't figure out the language based UI, plus it made the last furry creature very upset when it couldn't find the useless brick that Quickswipe couldn't operate. So, it watches.

A day passes, and the girl is back, playing more of the fascinating fighting game on it's flat reflective plane that showed another world of fighting, this time with an idea. While cooking, the girl activated a loud screechy thingie when smoke from it's hot box came out while it was heating food, smoke made the beepy machine on the ceiling!!! So, while the furry gravity dweller booted up it's battle simulation, Quick Swipe phases through space into it's food heating and cooling room, copying her method of turning on the hot box, and putting stuff from the cold box into the hot box, closing it's latch. It returns to the room and watches the girl battle, a half hour passing before that awful noise makes the girl freeze up for a few seconds, then flees to the food room and shrieks at the smoke. Quick swipe dashes under her sleeping soft spot, taking one of the hand held interfaces to control the fighter on the screen, hiding quietly like a stalking predator. Lots of angry words come from the girl in the food room while it cleans up the noisy stuff it caused, Quickswipe joins as a second player warrior, a male looking humany thingie with a brown bush on it's face, red and blue clothing. It saw this figure around gravity space lots, so it must be a strong warrior! After a half hour, the girl returns and starts up the game, thinking it picked the strongest warrior as one of it's simulated fighters. Quickswipe loses every round, getting more and more excited every time, fur bristling and tail subtly shifting under the sleepy spot, purple eyes peering at the flat plane to another world of battle, just behind the girl.

Why do you want to play this species?: I really wanna do spooky cute stuff, which i find shadekin perfect for. I originally played Sound quite a bit before my long hiatus, as just this little goblin that sneaks around and catches cute girls to eat, or get eaten itself. They're just soft, spooky critters with squishy glowwy insides that I love so much.

What do you expect them to bring to the station's RP by this character being allowed?: I'm so flustered by pred shadekin, and I think a lot of folk also have my brainrot who would die of fluster to something like Sound stalking them like prey, hidden to everyone but the soon to be victim. TLDR, it's vorny shit.
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Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:23 am

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