TozoTozo - Admin Application

"When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that person is crazy."
― Dave Barry, "Things That It Took Me 50 Years to Learn"

Currently Hiring

Moderator: Game Admins

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Don't even bother applying if you've not played here for at least a month. You will be ignored, and will probably be denied in the future for looking like a power hungry twat.

TozoTozo - Admin Application

Postby TozoTozo » Wed May 15, 2024 4:37 pm

BYOND Key: Fuackwit422

Discord ID: TozoTozo

How old are you?: 26

When you are most active? (including timezone): Afternoons-Night, EST Time. Which is basically just nighttime for the Europeans

Roughly how much time do you dedicate to the server each week?: Whenever Im really in the mood, usually 15-20 hours. It's not... a lot, especially less of late. But I feel that should change, especially when taking on a mantle that matters.

Names of notable characters you play in Vorestation: Zera Livanne, Uka Kellogg are probably the only names people know of. At least I would hope.

How long have you been playing Space Station 13?: Since... Highschool? Maybe earlier. Ages ago. 10+ Years ago. Genetics Main for life.

How long have you been playing Vorestation?: Not as long as everyone else I can assure you. Started Sometime in February of 2023. I had an extremely brief stint in college when I was closeted and wanted to be a hecking epic troll but HERE WE ARE....

Explain what most interests you about being staff: Being able to make a significant change in players perception of staff and virgo as a whole I'm very much an ideas person, and at least someone charismatic and compassionate enough to be a leader and great mediator. I want to bring a level of energy and compassion to the staff that makes the staff, and virgo more approachable and welcoming. I want to help drum up excitement and energy for the players for new changes, updates and events!

Explain what you think you will least enjoy about being staff: My biggest worry is that I will be too incompetent in my role. Being more of a figurehead than an actual change-maker. Truth be told, I barely know how half of the departments in the game even work, and even less so the actual mechanics of the atmospherics simulation at play. I don't think I will enjoy having to come up with all these great ideas and then ultimately when It comes down to it, I might fail miserably.

Describe what role-playing means to you: Role playing is as it is said is playing a role, a character, a living breathing person who exists in a living breathing world. Its about being conscious of mindsets, other character mindsets, and putting yourself into shoes with great respect and consideration. While ultimately virgo is the vorny server for vorny stuff, I don't think that means the characters; the ROLEPLAY should take a hit in quality. Things are most enjoyable when we think about what we play and how we play them!

Define what a "Problem Player" is in your own words:This term usually varies on a case by case basis depending on...the game, but I see a problem player as a flashing yellow traffic light, if the Toxic player is the Flashing Red. A problem player is someone who is on the path to becoming toxic. These are people who are something to watch out for and step in before things progress to the next level. Players who often don't read the rules and try to push them, Players who don't respect the lore and the role-play, and players who often make other players uncomfortable, even if unintentional. Problem behaviors that might further lead down the road to absolute toxicity.

Define a "Toxic Player" in your own words: These are the most extreme example of the problem players. Where a problem players behavior might make someone uncomfortable, a toxic player is someone whos behavior would be so repugnant and repulsive its actively damaging the player-base. Players who are actively HURTING the community rather than just being a nuisance.

Define "Admin Abuse" in your own words: Using admin status, authority and powers for selfish benefits rather than benefiting the community you are actively an admin of.

In your opinion, what the biggest problem with the server right now?: Player Migration and Staying power. People are leaving virgo to go elsewhere, and new players aren't sticking around for nearly as long.

How would you have it resolved?: I have many ideas on how this could realistically be solved. But the most important part is what any corporate advertising shill would tell you and that's... Hype! To me, it feels Virgo is maybe stagnant. There doesn't feel to be any HYPE up around updates, or changes to the system at large. Its hard to want to play the game as a player when it feels like everything is going to be the same thing over and over, not just on a OOC level but even on a game level. Events only ever get a single announcement, Change logs are shoved off to a part of the channels that 99% of players have muted. Even important and neat lore updates go with little fanfare. I would want to see a greater level of communication and hype-building for the players outside of the actual game itself. Players need to be getting excited to play the game, we should do what we can to make it known that our game is worth playing!

Go through the following scenarios and state how you would deal with it...
  • An adminhelp comes in claiming an individual is griefing.
    How I'd handle it:
    Like any good detective, id start off by just trying together all the facts. Examining event logs and player testimony. I'm cautious, especially in online game spaces for accusations thrown willy nilly. I would not directly intervene, not at first: Just gather information. Observe the accused griefer, but not intervene on them yet. If a griefer is accused and is aware of it, they will try their best to act like they aren't. Their habits, their mannerisms, and even the accuser themselves. I want to keep a close eye on the situation but not to act too quickly. If there is an immediate and obvious evidence that this player IS griefing then its time to pull them aside, question them, and have a chat. When I first came back to this server in February, I very much did the same. I fucked around, trolled people, and was annoying with destruction and griefing. All it took was one serious conversation with the admin (Hell, even In Character) and it really set me straight. Its important to give these people at least A chance before pulling the trigger and getting straight to punishments. If behavior continues, I would likely move for a job ban and short-time ban, before moving to further punishment if behavior STILL continues.
  • A player is upset about a scenario, but they are clearly in the wrong.
    How I'd handle it:
    Communication is key. A good admin, is talkative and communicative to their players, not forceful. If someone isn't understanding, its our job to speak to them and make sure they understand the hows and whys of the way things work around here, and how they can avoid these situations next time. Ultimately, if the player IS in the wrong, then they still need to understand this fact as the most important fact.
  • When interviewing several individuals, one is lying but you cannot tell who it is.
    How I'd handle it:
    Its funny that this kinda circles back to the first question. This requires VERY delicate and thorough observation. Ultimately I am only one person, so observing multiple people is going to be difficult, however I would likely try to use the assistance of my fellow staff members to keep an eye out on this situation as they develop. I don't know exactly HOW admin-ing works, like, chatlogs and such. But there is always a concrete answer to the problem of "Who shot first" in a game where these actions take place and are printed out into a log. There are almost always multiple witnesses. Information CAN be found. By using my previous mentioned method, it should be easy to find out the culprit. Its a game, people can say things, but a liar will inevitably slip if they think they wont get caught, especially when there are logs that will prove otherwise when lying again.
    Even then, its still important to consider the human behind the screen. Do these players have a history of this behavior? Whether it be getting caught in these scenarios, or having a history of being untrustworthy. Its important to know WHO you are dealing with and to factor in this consideration.
  • After interviewing several individuals, you have a pretty good idea of who is lying, but still lack concrete, infallible proof. Despite your best efforts, some details remain ambiguous. What now?
    How I'd handle it:
    Things get tricky. You can talk to a problematic player, even if you're 90% sure its them ALL you want, but you lack the proof to actually hit them with a punishment. This is where I would note this scenario on a players record (I am vaguely aware of Admins having a sorta ability to play admin notes to specific players, at least in game.) if the scenario is MINOR enough, like 3 people disagreeing on who actually broke one of the windows and didn't tell anyone. (Even thought he logs would probably show concrete proof of who actually did it) but STILL. When it comes to a much BIGGER scenario with some extreme matters, there NEEDS to be a decision made., In this case I would consult any other current observing admins about this scenario and approach their thoughts on the matter. If no other admins are present, and the situation is immediate, a soft punishment should be made along with said notes about player behavior. Punishments like discord timeout, day ban, etc etc.
  • An individual is playing a character who has sparked several adminhelps regarding said individual, but they are not in any clear violation of the rules.
    How I'd handle it:
    This player is what I would define as a problem player. Clearly there is a problem here with the community, but nothing actually rulebreaking. They are a player who should be aware that others find their behavior or..whatever they are being ahelped for problematic. A conversation should be had about their own thought process on why or how they are doing this behavior, and how it can be remedied.
  • Multiple character deaths have occurred and you are attempting to investigate. One player exhibits poor role-playing skills combined with insulting all those involved, another rushed after trouble started and only used lethal force, and a third went on and attacked several other individuals after the first fight was finished.
    How I'd handle it:
    Hoo boy. What a doozy. The first player, based entirely on the evidence provided in this case, is probably just a bystander shocked by this occurrence. In an RP environment, people tend to get kinda heated if you kill their friend. The second player is also likely not a griefer. I would make a note of The first players involvement and potential to be a problematic player. For the second, SS13 is a bit of a confusing game and if you aren't totally keyed into the ramifications of what you're doing, its not hard to actually inflict violent force. Still! What the second player did, even from just this base level, was WRONG. They should be told about what happened, how to properly prevent this from happening again, and once again make a note of their involvement in this situation. What the third player did is COMPLETELY wrong. Accidentally harming one person is one thing, but multiple is highly suspicious. Since this is a roleplay heavy server, killing one crewmate is big, But many? This is likely griefing, or something worse. Someone taking advantage of a chaotic situation to further inflict damage and ruin overall player experience. This player must be talked to IMMEDIATELY and interrogated on their actions. At a bare minimum, regardless of their reasoning, this player should likely receive a temporary job ban and a very stern talking to. That kind of behavior should NOT be acceptable in this server.

What prior admin/moderator/management experience do you possess, if any?:
When it comes to video games and discord? Basically zero. I've never done this before. But, leadership wise I DID lead my university's improv troupe for four years. So... I mean thats something, right?

Finally, what unique aspects of yourself can you bring to the staff? What can you bring to the team that is, in your opinion, needed?:
Oh gosh. Gosh I mean, look I dont want to sound rude to the current staff but man... there is an ENERGY lacking here. I think what I can bring to this table is a distinct fun, and excitable energy to things. When I started out, and many people can attest to this...Seeing someone who is an ADMIN is intimidating. Its scary. And sometimes as a staffer you have to be, people need to know that you are ultimately in charge. Yet for many this can be a huge hurdle to get over. Difficulty approaching admins for help, approaching them in casual conversation or even in game. I would love to bring a level of just passion and energy to make the team just fun to be around and interact with. Not only that, but I think I have a LOT of ideas Id love to help push things through. Events, Code changes, Map changes, System Reworks. I'm an ideas kinda person. I may lack the experience and know-how to actually push them through, but I'm great and assembling teams and plans of actions.

Though, in all seriousness. I debated long and hard whether I should apply for a GM role or an Admin role. At the end of the day I decided to sorta... apply to both. But fuck me typing this up was SO hard i hate questionnaires SO much. You have no idea. So consider this, in a way, my sorta declaration of intent to both. Wherever the greater staff team decides I would make best at. I just feel like there's a lot of change I want to see on this team. I love this community. And I know I haven't been the best at even being active. Things happen, time moves away from me, but now I really want to take my best step forward and actually commit real time and effort into this server and into this community to see it grow and flourish. I feel like I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching a community I've come to love over such a short time kinda...peter out. I want to make a difference, and do that in any way I can.
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Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:17 pm

Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

Postby Kenzie » Thu May 16, 2024 12:30 am

TozoTozo wrote:BYOND Key: Fuackwit422

Discord ID: TozoTozo

How old are you?: 26

When you are most active? (including timezone): Afternoons-Night, EST Time. Which is basically just nighttime for the Europeans

Roughly how much time do you dedicate to the server each week?: Whenever Im really in the mood, usually 15-20 hours. It's not... a lot, especially less of late. But I feel that should change, especially when taking on a mantle that matters.

Yeah, I think you have played something like five times this month, though I know you have played more in the past. Mind you I am not saying this as a criticism, but rather it is largely the case that the stress of being staff especially in this environment tends to make people play less, so I would just be wary of thinking that you will gain more motivation after becoming staff when historically people have lost motivation, so if you don't have much of it right now you will most likely have even less going forwards. It will be important to find a way to manage your duties in a way that helps keep you interested.

Names of notable characters you play in Vorestation: Zera Livanne, Uka Kellogg are probably the only names people know of. At least I would hope.

How long have you been playing Space Station 13?: Since... Highschool? Maybe earlier. Ages ago. 10+ Years ago. Genetics Main for life.

How long have you been playing Vorestation?: Not as long as everyone else I can assure you. Started Sometime in February of 2023. I had an extremely brief stint in college when I was closeted and wanted to be a hecking epic troll but HERE WE ARE....

Explain what most interests you about being staff: Being able to make a significant change in players perception of staff and virgo as a whole I'm very much an ideas person, and at least someone charismatic and compassionate enough to be a leader and great mediator. I want to bring a level of energy and compassion to the staff that makes the staff, and virgo more approachable and welcoming. I want to help drum up excitement and energy for the players for new changes, updates and events!

Explain what you think you will least enjoy about being staff: My biggest worry is that I will be too incompetent in my role. Being more of a figurehead than an actual change-maker. Truth be told, I barely know how half of the departments in the game even work, and even less so the actual mechanics of the atmospherics simulation at play. I don't think I will enjoy having to come up with all these great ideas and then ultimately when It comes down to it, I might fail miserably.

This also concern me, because, it is easy to have ideas. Every person on this team has ideas. Honestly to know the mechanics or not makes little difference to me tho staff are often expected to know them in order to guide inexperienced players, but really my main worry here is that we already have too many people with ideas and they all die in execution because everyone is pulling things in their own different direction and attacking those who disagree with them.

Describe what role-playing means to you: Role playing is as it is said is playing a role, a character, a living breathing person who exists in a living breathing world. Its about being conscious of mindsets, other character mindsets, and putting yourself into shoes with great respect and consideration. While ultimately virgo is the vorny server for vorny stuff, I don't think that means the characters; the ROLEPLAY should take a hit in quality. Things are most enjoyable when we think about what we play and how we play them!

Define what a "Problem Player" is in your own words:This term usually varies on a case by case basis depending on...the game, but I see a problem player as a flashing yellow traffic light, if the Toxic player is the Flashing Red. A problem player is someone who is on the path to becoming toxic. These are people who are something to watch out for and step in before things progress to the next level. Players who often don't read the rules and try to push them, Players who don't respect the lore and the role-play, and players who often make other players uncomfortable, even if unintentional. Problem behaviors that might further lead down the road to absolute toxicity.

Define a "Toxic Player" in your own words: These are the most extreme example of the problem players. Where a problem players behavior might make someone uncomfortable, a toxic player is someone whos behavior would be so repugnant and repulsive its actively damaging the player-base. Players who are actively HURTING the community rather than just being a nuisance.

Define "Admin Abuse" in your own words: Using admin status, authority and powers for selfish benefits rather than benefiting the community you are actively an admin of.

In your opinion, what the biggest problem with the server right now?: Player Migration and Staying power. People are leaving virgo to go elsewhere, and new players aren't sticking around for nearly as long.

Okay so, I think you have a decent point here, but it really actually ties partially back to the answer above. More than ideas, what we really need is people willing to put the interests of the community over their own ideas and make sure we are not sabotaging our content creators and core playerbase. That is kind of why I was burned out earlier in the year. So again, I am not saying you will be part of the problem, but really just bear in mind that you will need some execution behind yourself for things not to suck.

How would you have it resolved?: I have many ideas on how this could realistically be solved. But the most important part is what any corporate advertising shill would tell you and that's... Hype! To me, it feels Virgo is maybe stagnant. There doesn't feel to be any HYPE up around updates, or changes to the system at large. Its hard to want to play the game as a player when it feels like everything is going to be the same thing over and over, not just on a OOC level but even on a game level. Events only ever get a single announcement, Change logs are shoved off to a part of the channels that 99% of players have muted. Even important and neat lore updates go with little fanfare. I would want to see a greater level of communication and hype-building for the players outside of the actual game itself. Players need to be getting excited to play the game, we should do what we can to make it known that our game is worth playing!

Go through the following scenarios and state how you would deal with it...
  • An adminhelp comes in claiming an individual is griefing.
    How I'd handle it:
    Like any good detective, id start off by just trying together all the facts. Examining event logs and player testimony. I'm cautious, especially in online game spaces for accusations thrown willy nilly. I would not directly intervene, not at first: Just gather information. Observe the accused griefer, but not intervene on them yet. If a griefer is accused and is aware of it, they will try their best to act like they aren't. Their habits, their mannerisms, and even the accuser themselves. I want to keep a close eye on the situation but not to act too quickly. If there is an immediate and obvious evidence that this player IS griefing then its time to pull them aside, question them, and have a chat. When I first came back to this server in February, I very much did the same. I fucked around, trolled people, and was annoying with destruction and griefing. All it took was one serious conversation with the admin (Hell, even In Character) and it really set me straight. Its important to give these people at least A chance before pulling the trigger and getting straight to punishments. If behavior continues, I would likely move for a job ban and short-time ban, before moving to further punishment if behavior STILL continues.

I really hope you sincerely mean this because I think everyone likes to think they would gather information and not just pre-judge the situation based on who is angry, but people have a tendency to leap to conclusions, especially when their friends are involved, and it has caused problems in the past.

  • A player is upset about a scenario, but they are clearly in the wrong.
    How I'd handle it:
    Communication is key. A good admin, is talkative and communicative to their players, not forceful. If someone isn't understanding, its our job to speak to them and make sure they understand the hows and whys of the way things work around here, and how they can avoid these situations next time. Ultimately, if the player IS in the wrong, then they still need to understand this fact as the most important fact.
  • When interviewing several individuals, one is lying but you cannot tell who it is.
    How I'd handle it:
    Its funny that this kinda circles back to the first question. This requires VERY delicate and thorough observation. Ultimately I am only one person, so observing multiple people is going to be difficult, however I would likely try to use the assistance of my fellow staff members to keep an eye out on this situation as they develop. I don't know exactly HOW admin-ing works, like, chatlogs and such. But there is always a concrete answer to the problem of "Who shot first" in a game where these actions take place and are printed out into a log. There are almost always multiple witnesses. Information CAN be found. By using my previous mentioned method, it should be easy to find out the culprit. Its a game, people can say things, but a liar will inevitably slip if they think they wont get caught, especially when there are logs that will prove otherwise when lying again.
    Even then, its still important to consider the human behind the screen. Do these players have a history of this behavior? Whether it be getting caught in these scenarios, or having a history of being untrustworthy. Its important to know WHO you are dealing with and to factor in this consideration.

  • What I said above goes like triple for these two.

  • After interviewing several individuals, you have a pretty good idea of who is lying, but still lack concrete, infallible proof. Despite your best efforts, some details remain ambiguous. What now?
    How I'd handle it:
    Things get tricky. You can talk to a problematic player, even if you're 90% sure its them ALL you want, but you lack the proof to actually hit them with a punishment. This is where I would note this scenario on a players record (I am vaguely aware of Admins having a sorta ability to play admin notes to specific players, at least in game.) if the scenario is MINOR enough, like 3 people disagreeing on who actually broke one of the windows and didn't tell anyone. (Even thought he logs would probably show concrete proof of who actually did it) but STILL. When it comes to a much BIGGER scenario with some extreme matters, there NEEDS to be a decision made., In this case I would consult any other current observing admins about this scenario and approach their thoughts on the matter. If no other admins are present, and the situation is immediate, a soft punishment should be made along with said notes about player behavior. Punishments like discord timeout, day ban, etc etc.
  • An individual is playing a character who has sparked several adminhelps regarding said individual, but they are not in any clear violation of the rules.
    How I'd handle it:
    This player is what I would define as a problem player. Clearly there is a problem here with the community, but nothing actually rulebreaking. They are a player who should be aware that others find their behavior or..whatever they are being ahelped for problematic. A conversation should be had about their own thought process on why or how they are doing this behavior, and how it can be remedied.
  • Multiple character deaths have occurred and you are attempting to investigate. One player exhibits poor role-playing skills combined with insulting all those involved, another rushed after trouble started and only used lethal force, and a third went on and attacked several other individuals after the first fight was finished.
    How I'd handle it:
    Hoo boy. What a doozy. The first player, based entirely on the evidence provided in this case, is probably just a bystander shocked by this occurrence. In an RP environment, people tend to get kinda heated if you kill their friend. The second player is also likely not a griefer. I would make a note of The first players involvement and potential to be a problematic player. For the second, SS13 is a bit of a confusing game and if you aren't totally keyed into the ramifications of what you're doing, its not hard to actually inflict violent force. Still! What the second player did, even from just this base level, was WRONG. They should be told about what happened, how to properly prevent this from happening again, and once again make a note of their involvement in this situation. What the third player did is COMPLETELY wrong. Accidentally harming one person is one thing, but multiple is highly suspicious. Since this is a roleplay heavy server, killing one crewmate is big, But many? This is likely griefing, or something worse. Someone taking advantage of a chaotic situation to further inflict damage and ruin overall player experience. This player must be talked to IMMEDIATELY and interrogated on their actions. At a bare minimum, regardless of their reasoning, this player should likely receive a temporary job ban and a very stern talking to. That kind of behavior should NOT be acceptable in this server.

  • What prior admin/moderator/management experience do you possess, if any?:
    When it comes to video games and discord? Basically zero. I've never done this before. But, leadership wise I DID lead my university's improv troupe for four years. So... I mean thats something, right?

    Finally, what unique aspects of yourself can you bring to the staff? What can you bring to the team that is, in your opinion, needed?:
    Oh gosh. Gosh I mean, look I dont want to sound rude to the current staff but man... there is an ENERGY lacking here. I think what I can bring to this table is a distinct fun, and excitable energy to things. When I started out, and many people can attest to this...Seeing someone who is an ADMIN is intimidating. Its scary. And sometimes as a staffer you have to be, people need to know that you are ultimately in charge. Yet for many this can be a huge hurdle to get over. Difficulty approaching admins for help, approaching them in casual conversation or even in game. I would love to bring a level of just passion and energy to make the team just fun to be around and interact with. Not only that, but I think I have a LOT of ideas Id love to help push things through. Events, Code changes, Map changes, System Reworks. I'm an ideas kinda person. I may lack the experience and know-how to actually push them through, but I'm great and assembling teams and plans of actions.

    See, like, I don't know how to say this without sounding like an asshole, but seriously everyone has ideas. I have like five ideas a week and I rarely if ever even implement one. The hard part is not having an idea, the hard part is actually executing it, this is why in software development 'ideas' are such a meme, everyone has a billion dollar idea if other people will design it, implement it, market it, etc. The reason I say this is because if you are driving off and attacking the people actually capable of executing ideas by your strong opinions and no action, that is not healthy for the community or game. Again, I am not accusing that I think you will do this, but it has been done in the recent past, and so I would be wary of how much good an idea with no reinforcement from behind is really doing. If you want to push things, it should probably be ideas from the players that the staff might internally auto-reject without seriously considering; to help get them a fair hearing might very well benefit the server.

    Though, in all seriousness. I debated long and hard whether I should apply for a GM role or an Admin role. At the end of the day I decided to sorta... apply to both. But fuck me typing this up was SO hard i hate questionnaires SO much. You have no idea. So consider this, in a way, my sorta declaration of intent to both. Wherever the greater staff team decides I would make best at. I just feel like there's a lot of change I want to see on this team. I love this community. And I know I haven't been the best at even being active. Things happen, time moves away from me, but now I really want to take my best step forward and actually commit real time and effort into this server and into this community to see it grow and flourish. I feel like I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching a community I've come to love over such a short time kinda...peter out. I want to make a difference, and do that in any way I can.

    Like I said before, idk that it is really all that healthy to suppose that you will gain more energy to deal with things as staff, especially as an admin, where you will need to navigate complex issues that arise with players. I have never known a single community where people got more enthusiastic and active after becoming staff, maybe there is sometimes a brief honeymoon period but the trend tends towards inactivity.

    Overall I support, but with the qualifiers I have mentioned.I want you to have a sense of what you’re getting into, and give you the best chances of success in an environment that is likely more challenging than you realize. I hope you get approved, and I welcome you to the team :3
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    Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

    Postby satinisle » Thu May 16, 2024 3:29 am

    Overall, I support this application, but I do lean towards you acting as a GM rather than an admin. I support both but my support is much stronger for the former.

    My reasons are mostly from my interactions with you directly, rather than what is written here. Although the application is good and the answers are generally fine.

    I think that you are a bubbly person who is eager to make the game fun for other people, and are generally very high energy. You are also creative and I feel that you could do well in creating new content for players to enjoy. I also believe that you are considerate and go out of your way to make other people feel welcome, comfortable and happy. You have had good ideas in the past about additions to the game, some of which I have implented after you suggested them, and I think you generally have a good idea about the mission statement of this server. I think that all of these are good qualities for a member of staff and that if you apply them properly, you could become a real positive force for the community.

    However, I do have to mention the main problems to consider. The main one is that you can get yourself very bad brained from difficult social situations, you are fairly conflict adverse. I've seen a few times where you have spiralled over the way that other people have been acting, and I don't particularly want you to get caught in those situations just because you are an admin. That is why I feel that a GM role would suit you better, because you would not feel obliged to deal with these difficult situations (although GMs are welcome to be involved should they feel they can manage it).
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    Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

    Postby digi5 » Thu May 16, 2024 10:26 am

    I had to think on this one for a bit, and for an admin application I think I'm going to sit neutral leaning no support, however for a GM application, I can rather happily give a support. You're a cheerful, creative person that loves putting smiles on people's faces and tends to not enjoy being in controversy or conflict much at all, and I think a lot of your reasonings for wanting to staff here you'd find easier to accomplish as GM than admin, your energy can be more focused towards all that positive creative juice that you're showing off on high display here.

    I do think I should add, GMs are equal to admins internally when it comes to major discussion, you can have a thought for a shift in policy, design, code, gameplay, balance, etcetera and discuss it with all of us and you won't be on any lower standing than an admin, just in case that was one of the reasons you wanted to apply for admin over a GM position, and as a GM if you feel comfortable you can handle admin work as well, just as admins can run event. That might be a good test run for you in case you hate doing it.

    Overall I think what we need most right now is creative drive, energy, and initiative, and you've shown those well here, I think you'll do fine just be careful to know your limits and not burn yourself out on the stressful unfun stuff.
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    Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

    Postby RomanaTColgate » Thu May 16, 2024 11:09 am

    It reads more to me that you'd rather be a gamemaster than an admin. In fact I believe you'd be rather unhappy as an admin. I'm not supportive on this as an admin application and supportive as a GM one. While I believe you could carry out admin duties reliably enough, I get the impression you'd become pretty miserable when the bulk of your expected duties become focused on that. Your goals and desires are realistically better served as someone in a specific role for providing content for players and supporting content by hyping it up than... trying to be the Cool Admin that people like? As you said yourself admins are as a baseline fairly intimidating, you'll find it easier to energize players with your enthusiasm when you don't have to get past that new player reflex of being skittish around admins (even if in reality both roles have very similar authority and function). That sort of mien just makes more sense coming from a GM. Having staff with energy is good. Having staff come in expecting to be The New Leader with big ideas ready to tell everyone what to do is... less so. We've been recently progressing towards a more equitable power structure for staff internally for a reason. By all means galvanize the playerbase and make them excited and happy to be here, we need that and that'll be easier to do as a GM, but don't expect to swagger in and be a "change-maker'.
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    Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

    Postby bobofboblandia » Thu May 16, 2024 4:29 pm

    Im going to say that based on my interactions with you in the past, and your standing in the community, you would do well in an admin position, though I heavily suspect you would do even better in a gamemaster one. Im going to Support in either case however
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    Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

    Postby Killian » Sat May 18, 2024 12:51 am

    I hemmed and hawwed on posting this for a few hours, but I feel like I have to weigh in from the player side of the fence (and IMO, more players should weigh in on staff applications). My general observation of your conduct on the Discord vs the server itself is that you seem somewhat... 'high strung'? essentially? I see this dichotomy in that you play some very outspoken and high-energy characters, but as memory serves you've also spoken about not wanting to cause conflict with other people -- something which seems inevitable when you play someone like Zera as RD so often, and conflict is something you will have to deal with as an admin simply because sometimes things get heated. Anyone can swing a hammer and take out trolls, but it takes care and caution to untangle an interpersonal situation without the whole thing unravelling.

    Kenzie otherwise brings up a lot of good points (particularly the 'honeymoon phase' bit), and I agree with the general mood of "go GM, not admin" that others are expressing. Virgo seems to be hitting a bit of a dry spell in terms of activity right now, and if you can bring some of that high energy to running events - even really simple ones! - and motivating people to get involved, I think that would be more beneficial whilst also being less demanding on you personally. Whilst I don't care much to get involved in any kind of event myself [because I'm an antisocial hermit] it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they'd be good for player engagement, and I honestly think staff should probably be angling for something every other week at bare minimum. Even if it's just "hey I'm going to change the redgate map next saturday EST afternoon/evening shift and host something on that particular map" to run... I don't know, something broadly innocuous like a scavenger hunt or something - just, something to get people meeting and talking in-character, so that they have chances to spin things up organically and let people see where the flow takes them rather than trying to prearrange the specifics and hope everything works out.

    As a closing note;

    My biggest worry is that I will be too incompetent in my role. Being more of a figurehead than an actual change-maker. Truth be told, I barely know how half of the departments in the game even work, and even less so the actual mechanics of the atmospherics simulation at play. I don't think I will enjoy having to come up with all these great ideas and then ultimately when It comes down to it, I might fail miserably.

    Don't worry, I can guarantee you the vast majority of players - staff or otherwise - have only the barest of understandings of the atmospherics system, on any given SS13 server. That way lies madness. Madness, and pipe spaghetti.
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    Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

    Postby Heroman3003 » Sat May 18, 2024 2:43 pm

    I will echo concern. I don't think you're bad or have bad intentions, nor am I worried of you being a figurehead, but I will go ahead and say, stress of admin is very different from stress of GM. And I don't think needing to handle stress of admin is something that'd be healthy for you. I'd throw easy 100% support if it was GM application, but I am afraid that since this is Admin role, it might burn you out and fast, so my support is pretty mild, in good part in concern for you.
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    Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

    Postby Hazelbailey » Wed May 22, 2024 8:34 pm

    I think you've been a wonderful part of the Virgo community since you've joined and I'm always happy to see you online. I will mirror my fellow staff's opinions that you may enjoy the GM role slightly more, but it ultimately wont change my response either way, that response being that I fully support your application for staff.
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    Re: TozoTozo - Admin Application

    Postby lira » Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:37 pm

    We don't know each other super well, but you're a creative person and a you clearly care a lot about the community. I'd probably lean more toward recommending GM, but after pondering it, I'd support you for either role. Support!
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