[bobofboblandia] Jobban, Captain

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[bobofboblandia] Jobban, Captain

Postby Azzy.Dreemurr » Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:27 pm

Byond account and character name: Azzy.Dreemurr (Merry Medison)
Discord ID (if applicable): chattiermilk29
Banning admin: bobofboblandia
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Jobbanned Heads NT Staff. (Clarification: Jobban was removed from all Heads except the Captain in mid-October 2023). At the moment the ban is only on the Captain
Ban reason given: because you can't see the reason for the jobban on the server. But it's was the first pirate event in the summer 2023.
Ban length: Permanent
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 8:50 Moscow time(GMT3+), 6 August 2023
Your side of the story: I think about this, I have nothing to add from my last appeal - viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2364
Since the whole situation is described there and a lot of time has passed. In short, I just agree that back then it was a well-deserved jobban.
Why you think you should be unbanned:
I'll write everything point by point:
1. After 2-3 months, in mid-October , in the morning, according to my time, I received Admin PM that for good behavior, the ban from the Station Heads, except for the captain, would be lifted.
2. At the moment, January 2024, that is, about 6 months have already passed since that incident and so to speak, there have been no more problems with me. (Except for the case with Talon ship (what’s most ironic is a few days after the incident with the pirates in August) breaking during the flight, but the issue was resolved in Mod mail .,.""). That is, to sum it all up, there were no more problems and usually, if there were any questions for me, they were resolved calmly through a conversation in the Admin PM on the server or the Discord bot.
3. I recently had a dialogue in the Admin PM and, so to speak, received a “blessing”.

However, moving away from these points, I would like to say that during this time I changed my attitude towards the game, both by working as the head of a department, and also by calling on the air lock via RMB '^' "" and Radio channel.
The experience has increased, as have the reactions to what is happening. I have also reduced situations where I play rounds while sleepy or very tired. And if I feel bad in the position of the head, then write a warning to the admin PM and leave the round. Plus I learned to react better to situations as well as language proficiency when communicating via text with others, I began to understand all the information that was happening much faster.

So, pending review and questions, I'll leave this picture:
Gif goat
custom-asriel-sprite-i-have-been-working-on-v0-6r59cd2yghra1.gif (15.92 KiB) Viewed 2670 times
Somewhere in the depths of my soul, I know that you are alive
Kill or be Killed - NO
Love and be Loved

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Re: [bobofboblandia] Jobban, Captain

Postby bobofboblandia » Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:48 pm

I admit, I did have to deliberate over this for a bit, even with a bit for forewarning that this appeal was incoming. On one hand, I still worry about your communication skills being less than optimal at times, on the other, you have shown marked improvement, curbing the worst of your impulses that caused you to eat the ban in the first place, and being able to look inward at yourself for when you're starting to lose control. For this reason, Im going to say this appeal is Approved. I believe that those failings that do remain will be removed in time, because you have already improved significantly, so I only say that you should keep it up.
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