[digitalsquirrel95] livingshredder - RP violations

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[digitalsquirrel95] livingshredder - RP violations

Postby livingshredder » Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:19 pm

Byond account and character name: livingshredder / Shard 7
Discord ID (if applicable): N/A
Banning admin: digitalsquirrel95
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server
Ban reason given:
Code: Select all
Broke into multiple high security areas as a visitor, stealing items from the captain's office in the process, including the Overseer's spare ID. After being arrested, attempted to escape from processing multiple times, and after being thrown in a cell made multiple weird IC threats towards the HoS and eventually DC'd.

Ban length: Perma
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 2023-11-09 21:58:07 UTC
Your side of the story: Pretty much what the ban reason says.
Why you think you should be unbanned: This was my first time on a SS13 server and I've never been on any sort of high-roleplay community before. Considering the nature of the server - ERP - I wasn't expecting such a serious atmosphere and didn't fully understand the rules. I apologise for causing problems and for violating server policy, and I do not intend to repeat these actions.

I'd like to add that DigitalSquirrel sent me the following message:

Code: Select all
Hiya. I am now home. Originally I was going to give you a quick rundown of what you did wrong, and direct you to our rules page before lifting the ban, since its original intent was to get you to talk to a member of staff so we could explain those things, since you had disconnected before we were able to talk to you, and what was done did require staff to speak to you about what you had done wrong. Since then, we discovered your social media posts about the situation, and will no longer make an exception from the usual process and will not be lifting the ban without proper appeal. I also will not discuss this matter any further in DMs.

I do not think social media posts about the situation should have any bearing on action taken by staff - this certainly comes across as retaliatory behaviour. Should all players be expected to have their socials monitored? I made the posts in good faith as I believed the action taken by staff was overzealous, especially to a completely new player - someone completely new to SS13 failing to roleplay to standard should not merit an immediate permanent ban. I'm not here to debate whether or not the disciplinary action taken was right, I'm only documenting it here so staff know the full context as to what the posts were about.
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Re: [digitalsquirrel95] livingshredder - RP violations

Postby Hazelbailey » Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:38 pm

I appreciate you making an appeal for this. In general, if a player disconnects during or before an admin is able to PM them in game, and whatever said player has done to warrant an admin PM in the first place is severe enough, standard practice both here, and on other SS13 servers, is to apply a ban so the player has to make a appeal. This gives staff the opportunity to speak with the player one on one so the matter can be handled. These are usually very easy to appeal and will usually be lifted after staff has informed the player of whatever issues need to be addressed.

As for rule violations that need to be discussed for the in game incident, I'll like to point out rules 13 and 14.
Rule 13 : Do not create IC conflict without good reason

In our setting, major violence and crime is not commonplace.. Have a believable reason for any conflict and antagonistic behavior you may exhibit and moderate yourself to keep it not at a level where admins need to intervene.

End of the Round Deathmatches don’t exist. Even when the round ends, we expect you to fully stay in character.
If you wish to perform a crime to entertain Security or get eaten, it’s wise to check first if they’re even up for it. LOOC, PDA messages and the character-directory can guide you.
Boredom is not a good reason. It’s entirely fine to leave the round and do something else if the station is too slow for you right now.
NPCs are included in this. Don’t randomly kill wildlife or other people. Just because they’re not fellow players doesn’t mean they’re not ICly people.
Suicide or self-mutilation is not allowed. Contact an admin if you want to have a character commit suicide. Themes of suicide and self-harm are very serious and shouldn’t be used as an attention grab. Not getting permission beforehand usually leads to a permanent ban.
This rule is not limited to physical altercations, if you're being unnecessarily hostile in a way that makes the game unenjoyable for others, you may be reprimanded. For instance, accusing another character of being a rapist so nobody else is willing to associate with them is definitely a hostile act that ruins their game, without being a violent one.
Excessive responses in self-defense are also not allowed - killing someone should be a last resort. However, if you put someone in Medbay and they come back with friends to beat you up… Try not provoking people next time.

Breaking into multiple high security areas, such as Security and the Overseer's office, would of course fall under this rule. We do allow for some amount of silliness in game, especially if it adds to the roleplay, but simply committing crimes that other people may have to drop what they're doing in order to deal with will typically be seen as going too far in regards to this, and will likely result in someone ahelping to inform us of what's going on. You are also expected to play a character that would be able to hold a job in a working environment, and while we of course expect some suspension of disbelief to allow for the entire theme of the server and to allow people to do some silliness, mass break ins and stealing high security items is more akin to griefing than what we would normally allow.

Rule 14 : Do not powergame

Also known as “Playing to Win”. This includes things such as a doctor stealing supplies from engineering 'just in case' or a security officer fanatically pursuing an arrest at all costs.

Loophole abuse for Vore scenes is allowed.
Identifying lore-uncommon objects or creatures because you are mechanically aware of how they operate also is not allowed. Your character should not be implicitly familiar with the horrors of the Universe unless they actually encountered them in-game in a consistent manner.
Abusing game mechanics such as the tram or access changes to work multiple departments is also not allowed. If you joined as a job by mistake, you can of course fix it.
Having a wide skillset is getting close to this rule. You should keep your knowledge of other department skills at a minimum. Engineers shouldn’t do surgery and officers shouldn’t wire the engine. It’s suggested to make a character per department.

This specifically refers to stealing the spare ID for the all access it granted.

Now I'd like to address the mention of your social media accounts. The reason it came up, and the reason it was even discovered, was due to another player linking the account in question and making the posts known to us. We normally do not dig through social media, but discussing bans outside of the forums, both in our Discord server, and if we're made aware of it, various social media websites, is a violation of community rule 8, which can be viewed on our Discord server in our "Information" section.

8. No discussion about bans anywhere beside the unban forum.

-If you get banned, it's discouraged to publicly lambast this fact - direct your attention to the appeal forum, as complaints about bans outside the official formats are disruptive and fall on deaf ears by all parties involved. Please do not jeopardize your own standing and instead write an appeal with a cool head.
-If you ask an admin why or if someone was banned, you will probably not receive an answer. We will tell you that the situation has been handled in some way, as bans are a private manner. You will probably find out in the ban appeals what happened.
-Third-Party ban appeals or arguments are usually ignored, unless there is a pressing reason. Arguing for a person can be done in their official appeal when community input is allowed.

This was discussed in admin channels once these posts were discovered, and the message that was sent to you was reviewed by other members of staff before I sent it via DMs.

That being said, if you still wish to be unbanned, I'd be more than happy to give you another shot. However, before I lift the ban, I would heavily encourage you to read and understand our in-game rules page here (https://wiki.vore-station.net/Rules), and our community rules page on the Discord if you rejoin it. Once you have done so, reply in this thread, and I will lift the ban.
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Re: [digitalsquirrel95] livingshredder - RP violations

Postby livingshredder » Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:49 pm

Thanks, I appreciate the leniency - I've given the rules another read through and will make sure to reference them for future matters. I understand why and how the Rule 13 and 14 problems were caused.

Regarding socials - I understand this. I did make the posts with the intention of none of them being visible by server staff members, as they were primarily directed towards friends. Could I get clarification whether this rule concerns matters regarding bans, or all matters that criticise the server or its administration?
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Re: [digitalsquirrel95] livingshredder - RP violations

Postby Hazelbailey » Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:59 pm

livingshredder wrote:Thanks, I appreciate the leniency - I've given the rules another read through and will make sure to reference them for future matters. I understand why and how the Rule 13 and 14 problems were caused.

Regarding socials - I understand this. I did make the posts with the intention of none of them being visible by server staff members, as they were primarily directed towards friends. Could I get clarification whether this rule concerns matters regarding bans, or all matters that criticise the server or its administration?

Only bans. Plenty of people criticize the server, but the rule usually only applies for active bans.

That being said, I will go ahead and approve this appeal. It should be lifted in just a few minutes.
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