[PontifexMinimus] Taco of Anger - Antag Misunderstanding

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[PontifexMinimus] Taco of Anger - Antag Misunderstanding

Postby dotFemto » Sat Dec 04, 2021 6:16 pm

Byond account and character name: Taco of Anger / Vizeen Garvof
Discord ID (if applicable): .Femto#7008
Banning admin: PontifexMinimus
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Character Ban for Vizeen
Ban reason given: Self Antag Incident - Would have been very much warcrimes.
Ban length: Permanent
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 12/04/2021 4:30 PM

Your side of the story: I was playing along with a redspace exploration event. Red-Eyed Shadekin was attacking us and it was a blast. Then when we got to the end I touched an artifact of some kind and it gave me an objective, which I thought was mind control from the beast that was on the ceiling or from the shadekin itself. I didn't get a prompt from the device to indicate anything that I chose to do. PontifexMinimus indicated that the one I chose would have been 'to kill', but Viz wouldn't willingly hurt any of the crew. His character is actually quite protective. But as a player. If I'm being honest I got excited that the gamemasters chose me to help out in the event. I thought the objective was because the exploration team was looting all of the temple. So I came back to station and tried to do the objective which was "Objective #1: Do not allow anyone to escape the station. Only allow the shuttle to be called when everyone is dead and your story is the only one left. You have a very bad feeling about this." I thought the bad feeling indication and misunderstanding where the objective came from meant I didn't have a choice. Plus the Red-Eye Kin saved me at some point, so that reinforced it. I did try to ahelp it to make sure, but when I got powers at random I thought the gamemaster gave them to me.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I don't think I should be fully unbanned from all of the punishments. Maybe even keep the char ban for an amount of time while Vizeen is investigated/evaluated. I don't really wanna antag anymore either. I just have a lot of plot lines going on with Viz and I'd hate for them to end so suddenly because I as a player got over excited and goofed. If I'm being honest that's mostly what it was. I just got pumped to do something different and I thought I had an excuse for Viz to do it, and it not be against his character. I'm not asking to invalidate the incident. Maybe just call it what I thought it was 'mind control' and deal with what people think. I just want to be able to play Vizeen differently now. Take him out of exploration and do medicine or chaplain work. He'd feel intensely terrible for what he did. I fully understand that a lot of people are going to hate him now in-game, and that's alright.

As a player I apologize for the misunderstanding and for getting overly excited to do something stupid. Vorestation is my first in-depth playing through of SS13, and I hopped at the chance to do something like that. Further admission. I did lie about the tesloose. I was going to tesloose, but I didn't intend to do it that early. I was ignorant about what the SMES' did and I didn't want anyone to give my location away. So I just turned them 'off'. To kill comms. Please feel free to message me on discord. I also have my side of server logs if you need them for review.
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Re: [PontifexMinimus] Taco of Anger - Antag Misunderstanding

Postby dotFemto » Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:10 am

I’ve had some time to think about this than the panicked posting of the above post. I understand what happened more clearly now and I’ve tried thinking of other character concept, but I honestly miss Vizeen.

I made a mistake doing what I did and I really regret it. I had characters made out for Antag and never really expected to antag as Vizeen. I wasn’t really thinking of the consequences of attacking the SD. I really didn’t want to be the killjoy either to ignore the objectives I thought were admin/game master given. I even started small to test the waters. Trying to draw out a bwoink. By breaking into capt quarters and HoS office.

Honestly I just want to ask to play Vizeen again and forget about the stupidity that I caused. I also want to apologize too all the staff that were taking part in the event that I ruined the end of and the scenes that I interrupted. I overacted with excitement at the chance to do something big like that and lost sight of the soul of Vorestation; playing it like any other SS13 server.

It was truly a mistake and I’m sorry. I ask forgiveness from the staff this time and promise I’ll not forget what Vorestation is about in the future.
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Re: [PontifexMinimus] Taco of Anger - Antag Misunderstanding

Postby PontifexMinimus » Tue Jan 04, 2022 11:45 am

Yeah ok, the point of the charban has been mostly concluded by now, so.

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Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:40 pm

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