[Dragor] Muffindrake - Server ban

Moderator: Game Admins

[Dragor] Muffindrake - Server ban

Postby Muffindrake » Wed Aug 19, 2020 6:23 pm

Byond account and character name: Muffindrake, Xanthus
Discord ID (if applicable): Muffindrake#0196
Banning admin: PontifexMinimus (Dragor?)
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server
Ban reason given: One of the reasons why people have a rule about not being a dick. Extremely rude to everyone, gets incredibly irate if they don't get what they exactly want and demanding like they are in charge everytime in OOC. Enough is enough..
Ban length: Permanent
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 2020-08-12 19:00 UTC
Your side of the story: The given reason is mostly correct in that there were a couple of individuals on the server that did in fact enrage me on several occasions. There were a couple of incidents on the server, as well as a single one on the discord about a technical issue that I experienced.

It's not that I think getting angry there was justified, I was in a rotten mood and at the same time wanted to expand my knowledge of the game - which is admittedly not the best of combinations. I'm used to having expert help and assistance that is always on point - I'm from a programmer background. Jumping on IRC and waiting anything up to couple of hours in a chat that's frequented by those same people usually results in extremely good and precise responses - what's more, those places are for the most part vetted, and people that consistently go against good faith and give incompetent and/or rude advice are usually let or forced to go. That, or mailing lists. In short, I'm not used to dealing with inexperienced or those lacking in knowledge in general, or even wildly incomplete instructions. I had falsely assumed that at least some of the people I had encountered were versed in the ways of whatever fork of this particular game - which is obviously not correct, and as such my conduct wasn't justified at all, also considering the fact that there is no expectation of any correctness of any advice or information given to me.

I'm also relatively new to SS13 in general, and didn't have a holistic understanding of what a patchwork the SS13 code base was, and that a lot of servers really just maintain their own fork and implement their own changes - which makes documenting a particular procedure or mechanic for a completely new player quite difficult and tedious. There's the One True Medguide made by Tempest that has been quite the gospel for me, as 99.9% of anything someone working Medical should know is in there. There were absolutely no issues in this regard for me. However, there were several times where I was doing medbay duty in one way or the other and encountered some unappealing players that had no interest in proper roleplay, or in being polite or RP-proper about having their everything broken. In retrospect I should have just ahelped, instead of lashing out at them in some way, overt or not, or getting upset by them. A particularly bad mood even had me assume at times that I was being misled in terms of game mechanics by some well-meaning players on purpose - yeah that wasn't so pretty.

That being said, it's not correct that I was rude in that way to absolutely everyone - there'd be quite the bunch of people that frequent the server that would be surprised if you told them that about me, and I've frequently done scenes with quite the diverse amount of people. At the same time, as mentioned, there are also people that I _really_ can't stand being in a room with there. There's probably some cultural context, as I've had friends from different parts in the world point out cultural differences to me, in particular what I and locale would consider perfectly reasonable - something as trivial as pointing out the blindingly obvious, or plainly stating my problem with them - would be extremely rude to someone that lives in NA, but that's more tangential anyway.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I'll calm it down in general, and stop lashing out at people like that. There's no reason for me to get upset at anyone here, more than likely they're just here to have fun, like myself. If there's some frustration, I'll make it a habit to just clock out and do something else entirely. Sometimes there's just no other good way to handle an unpleasant time other than taking a step back and going off-duty.

My conduct thus far is probably the result of me having dealt with particularly vicious individuals almost entirely as of a recent period in my life. A while ago I've talked to an admin of a particular community about that (by no means was I in trouble or anything like that), which was spurred on by the not-quite-as-abrasive treatment of specific members of that community. One particular thought they had put forward was something along the lines of 'To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.', which I should take more to heart than I had previously.
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2020 6:05 pm

Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server ban

Postby PontifexMinimus » Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:28 am

I suppose I can give you another chance.

If you are pissy or despondent to a person just once, however, I'll reapply this band instantly.

Posts: 577
Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:40 pm

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