[ohx412] BeefcakeLlama - Misunderstanding ban

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[ohx412] BeefcakeLlama - Misunderstanding ban

Postby beefcakellama » Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:34 pm

Yes hello, my name is BeefcakeLlama, I play Ash Baltor and a bunch of other good characters, when I logged up to VORE station, I was greeted by this


The reason I was found on the ship was that my RP partner forgot to resleeve me, and I was kinda stuck unable to play, so I become a bot cause I thought "oh cool I can be a bot" or whatever, but then I spawned on some kinda space ship, cut off from the main station, so I just fiddled around with a bunch of stuff before disconnecting from being bored.

I had no idea or intention of "stealing" some space ship no one uses to RP, as the notion is silly, and a waste of time. I was simply bored, and was just fiddling with stuff, thats it.
The admin needs to not think of such harsh stuff, sometimes, people make mistakes

The only reason I made a account and bothered to come here is repeal this ban, thats it.
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Re: [ohx412] BeefcakeLlama - Misunderstanding ban

Postby Ohx412 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:43 pm

Hello there. I was the admin that got involved during that round.

So starting things off, the ban was intended to be a means to get your attention. While I admit giving you a permaban was a bit on the extreme side compared to issuing a tempban, I believe it was what's needed to get you to explain what had happened.

When I admin ghosted over to the Talon to see what was going on I saw a maintenance drone with your ckey on it. And a quick check of the control helm of the Talon shows that you had interacted with it. I have noticed a trend that some would be griefers would tend to hop on the station as a maintenance drone to sneak in undetected. In fact I haven't realized you had spawned in as a drone until I actually saw you on the Talon.

Anyway, that fact paired up with the fact I couldn't contact you because you had disconnected (as well as you not being on Discord) means that I had no way to reach out to you to figure out what had happened. So I decided to be safe and deliver the ban.

Was this a misunderstanding? Totally, and on my part too. Splunk logs also seem to check out with your explanation. And while you might have had a bit of a record a couple years ago, I believe you meant no actual harm after hearing your side of the story.

Your fiddling around with the Talon's controls had made the ship depart from the Tether and fly off into a big field of space dust by the way, if you were curious as to what you had done. That too along with the resulting damage the Talon received made me believe that you were trying to grief the Talon. Which turned out to be not true.

Anyway, thank you for waiting so long and for making this appeal. And I apologize for fucking up and believing the worst from this misunderstanding. I Approve the lifting of this ban. For future reference though, I would suggest making an admin help if you weren't sure what your fiddling had done. So that we can avoid having another misunderstanding like this in the future. Sounds good to you?
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Re: [ohx412] BeefcakeLlama - Misunderstanding ban

Postby beefcakellama » Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:32 pm

Ohx412 wrote:Hello there. I was the admin that got involved during that round.

So starting things off, the ban was intended to be a means to get your attention. While I admit giving you a permaban was a bit on the extreme side compared to issuing a tempban, I believe it was what's needed to get you to explain what had happened.

When I admin ghosted over to the Talon to see what was going on I saw a maintenance drone with your ckey on it. And a quick check of the control helm of the Talon shows that you had interacted with it. I have noticed a trend that some would be griefers would tend to hop on the station as a maintenance drone to sneak in undetected. In fact I haven't realized you had spawned in as a drone until I actually saw you on the Talon.

Anyway, that fact paired up with the fact I couldn't contact you because you had disconnected (as well as you not being on Discord) means that I had no way to reach out to you to figure out what had happened. So I decided to be safe and deliver the ban.

Was this a misunderstanding? Totally, and on my part too. Splunk logs also seem to check out with your explanation. And while you might have had a bit of a record a couple years ago, I believe you meant no actual harm after hearing your side of the story.

Your fiddling around with the Talon's controls had made the ship depart from the Tether and fly off into a big field of space dust by the way, if you were curious as to what you had done. That too along with the resulting damage the Talon received made me believe that you were trying to grief the Talon. Which turned out to be not true.

Anyway, thank you for waiting so long and for making this appeal. And I apologize for fucking up and believing the worst from this misunderstanding. I Approve the lifting of this ban. For future reference though, I would suggest making an admin help if you weren't sure what your fiddling had done. So that we can avoid having another misunderstanding like this in the future. Sounds good to you?

YEs that works completely sorry for the late reply, and don't worry I didn't mean to sound rude, as I was just stating, I am happy to come to this conclusion, and I'll make sure it wont happen again, thank you so much
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