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Westfire- Head/Sec ban

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:02 pm
by Westfire
Byond account and character name: Westfire; Westfire Razmiry, Shimmer-Fang Razmiry, etc
Discord ID (if applicable): Westfire#8083
Banning admin: Pyrohpile
Ban type (What are you banned from?): banned from Head positions and security
Ban reason given: toxicity, being a toxic player
Ban length: perma
Approximate time ban was placed (including time zone): 05/08/2017
Your side of the story: I don't really have much to say here, I can easily look back and see that I was pretty crappy.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

I'm going to preface this by saying that this is something I've been sitting on for at least three moths or so now. I've always found some excuse not to do it, partly because of fear, partly because I couldn't exactly figure out any reasoning for this. But I'm here now so...

Firstly and the most obvious, it's been a little over a year since I was unbanned from Perma. I've had a lot of time to kinda settle back in and play around without being, to put it bluntly, a piece of shit. I feel I'm improved at least somewhat, and I've gotten better at dealing with stuff.

Secondly, this one's a bit more complicated. As of typing this out right now, and for a long while, I have and have had no real intent to really play Security or most of the Head positions, HoP and RD (mostly RD) the exceptions. CE and CMO aren't really my cup of tea, and CD is even harder, or it seems like they've been for a bit, which isn't exactly what I play for. Security is a little different, because while I'm not actually interested in playing them now, I would like the option to be there if I come around to it by making a specific character for the role or something. Which kind of applies to all of them. Even if I have no real interest as of now in playing those roles, having the option be available if I decide to change my mind would be nice.

Thirdly, for a while now I've kind of wanted to do this because it's the last "block" so to say, that last barrier before I'm actually really part of Virgo again, or at least it feels like that for me. It's been eating at me for a while now and I've made myself wait on it because honestly putting things off is something I happen to be good at, unfortunately. But now I really want to have the block removed, if only so that I feel like I'm really "back" and part of the community again. It's a little weird to try and explain but hopefully you guys get what I'm saying.

So ah. Have at me, heh.

Re: Westfire- Head/Sec ban

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:09 am
by Scree
wait, this ban's still active?

Re: Westfire- Head/Sec ban

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:53 am
by Westfire
Scree wrote:wait, this ban's still active?

It is, yea. It was kept on after my perma got approved. I just haven't brought it up again till now.

Re: Westfire- Head/Sec ban

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:06 am
by Scree
Honestly the fact that I'd completely forgotten this ban was still on and thought it had already been lifted should pretty much sum up my feelings on whether it's necessary to keep it. Support.

Re: Westfire- Head/Sec ban

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:18 am
by Mr_Signmeup
It's been ages and yeah, the reason why this head/sec ban was still kept is out of our memories IMO. So, I got no issues in having this lifted. SUPPORT

Re: Westfire- Head/Sec ban

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 7:53 am
by Aces
The reason, if I recall, that the ban was made, had something to do with a prior habit of yours to shame any kind of predatory behavior that led to digestion and fatalities.

If you can avoid being a problem in that regard, all is well.

Re: Westfire- Head/Sec ban

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:24 pm
by Westfire
Aces wrote:The reason, if I recall, that the ban was made, had something to do with a prior habit of yours to shame any kind of predatory behavior that led to digestion and fatalities.

If you can avoid being a problem in that regard, all is well.

I’ve gotten much better in that regard, so yes I believe I can avoid that being a problem again.

Re: Westfire- Head/Sec ban

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:21 pm
by somekindofpony