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[bobofboblandia] KadDaMagicLad - IC aggression and suicide

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:32 pm
by KadDaMagicLad
Byond account and character name: KadDaMagicLad I forgot my character's name it was random
Discord ID (if applicable): n/a
Banning admin: [bobofboblandia]
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Whole server ban
Ban reason given: Shot a lizard with a bar shotgun and then jumped from a railing
Ban length: 432000 minutes
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 2024-10-13 12: 19 (I think) CDT
Your side of the story: So I was at the bar and randomly shot a lizard then I had a conversation with an admin apologized and said I was just doing dumb stuff because I was tired then I said I was going to log off so I went through the red portal thing jumped off a railing in a secluded spot to go back to the starting screen and log off
Why you think you should be unbanned: Well I thought you could kill the lizards because on my first day playing this server (and ss13 as a whole) I saw and helped the head of security kill lizards so I thought it was okay and also I only read the titles of the rules (Which is stupid I know). And as for me jumping off the railing since I was still learning the basics of ss13 I didn't understand how to get back to the main menu without dying so as to not draw attention I just left any crowded areas and jumped off a railing without telling anyone (Now that I look back on it I should have just asked the admin to send me to the main menu but I was tired and just wanted to log off)

Re: [bobofboblandia] KadDaMagicLad - IC aggression and suici

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:28 pm
by bobofboblandia
Right, first off, it shouldnt have been that long, I typo'd the number and the ban will be reapplied accordingly. Secondly, read up on the rules. This is a slap on the wrist of a ban, as I said in the ban itself, this is practically nothing compared to what you'd usually get for killing yourself. This appeal, in the same vein, still doesnt give me too much hope that you've read the rules yet. You will have your ban corrected to the proper amount of time, including the day you've already spent banned, but overall, this appeal is Denied