FireBreak - Appeal

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FireBreak - Appeal

Postby Nightshadow » Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:11 pm

Byond account and character name: Fire Break
Discord ID (if applicable): Nightshadow#1325
Banning admin: Demi
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Discord/Server
Ban reason given:"harassing people on discord and being a general blight on the server"
Ban length: perma
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 01/07/2022 (time unknown, was offline at the time)
Your side of the story: Previously has been discussed
Why you think you should be unbanned:
Well, I am here once again. I waited for some time and decided to send in an appeal to try to get back into the server
Honestly, there isn't much that can be said that I haven't said before. I still am determined to return to the server, and I believe I am able to be in a place where maturity is required, and not cause problems. I know the server has changed a fair bit from the last time I had played, as explained by a few others who I still talk to who play the server, such as exploration being removed, though I am still wishing to rejoin
My actions in the past were poor. I made mistakes, and I still am kicking myself looking back at them. I don't want to be seen as someone who made mistake after mistake after mistake, and I want to be able to come back
After a year from the originating ban, I still want to come back. I still want to play. And I hope I am given permission to join once more
I look forward to hearing back, and hopefully, returning to the server to play once more
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Re: FireBreak - Appeal

Postby Demicus_Maximus » Fri Jan 27, 2023 4:53 pm

I'm going to keep it real with you. I had legit forgotten who you were when I got DM'd about this appeal.

That being said, after going back through logs and messages, I am reminded of why we wanted you gone. Now, a year IS a long time! Things can change fast. But your appeal just does not feel any different than those previous.

For reasons I brought up with other staff regarding DM's and so forth, I won't say either yay or nay on this latest appeal, as I feel like I have a bias against you at this point.

I will however say that the best way to show you're ready to return is by playing on other servers, making a positive impression there, and so when we ask those servers "Hey, has this guy been doing alright?" you have something to show. Pretty sure I've said this in the past even.
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Re: FireBreak - Appeal

Postby Nightshadow » Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:00 pm

Demicus_Maximus wrote:I'm going to keep it real with you. I had legit forgotten who you were when I got DM'd about this appeal.

That being said, after going back through logs and messages, I am reminded of why we wanted you gone. Now, a year IS a long time! Things can change fast. But your appeal just does not feel any different than those previous.

For reasons I brought up with other staff regarding DM's and so forth, I won't say either yay or nay on this latest appeal, as I feel like I have a bias against you at this point.

I will however say that the best way to show you're ready to return is by playing on other servers, making a positive impression there, and so when we ask those servers "Hey, has this guy been doing alright?" you have something to show. Pretty sure I've said this in the past even.

Ok then.
When it comes to the other ban appeals and this one, the reason why it has not changed much, is because I have said all I can. I have changed quite a bit over the past year, and honestly, I don't want to bore you or any other staff member with more paragraphs of words words words that come straight from the same idea of "when in an interview, say your weakness is actually a strength"

As for other servers, well, honestly I have tried other servers. SS13 servers though just aren't the most fun unless its Virgo specifically. Not sure if its the way its built, the community, or whatever, but I have been playing on other locations. Most recently I have been on a Minecraft server, and while I may not have been there too long, I still have a few people that would say I am a decent person

So, with all that being said, recapping;
correct, I haven't changed my appeal much. I have said all I could in the past, and while I am still improving myself, saying the same things over and over mean little, and
while I don't play other SS13 servers, I have been doing other things, and have people who would likely be able to vouch for me
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Re: FireBreak - Appeal

Postby Nightshadow » Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:00 pm

Small update in regards to my last post; I actually have decided to take up trying other servers, for the sake of wanting to rejoin this one at some point. The server I was suggested was one called "Splurt". I will admit it seems a bit more chaotic and less strict than Virgo, though the idea of it still stands.

I have been playing for about a week now, and until I am able to rejoin Virgo, I will continue on there to show that I am able to be in a SS13 server and act appropriately
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Re: FireBreak - Appeal

Postby VerySoft » Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:51 pm

We are still not interested in having you back. Appeal denied.
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