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[BigBababooey] GooglyFox - Doing something stupid

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:46 pm
by Red_Fox
Byond account and character name: GooglyFox / Hell.
Discord ID (if applicable): Dutchy#4523
Banning admin: BigBababooey.
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Game or Server.
Ban reason given: Not exactly sure the exact one, but I know that I had played clown without a whitelist, abusing HoP, and doing LRP.
Ban length: Indefinite.
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): :10/10/2022 7:30 PM or so.
Your side of the story: I played clown as HoP stupidly, and I do regret it. I did admittedly do LRP on accident, as I was just playing around as a clown when I wasn't meant to, and I lacked the braincells to actually roleplay what I was doing, and react appropriately, I lacked both of those on accident severely. And I do apologize for my precious actions, and or problems.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I do admit that I did play clown as HoP without a whitelist, I felt bored, and when I feel bored I just play clown. It always makes me feel better, but at the time, I didn't think about it, and instead did it without thinking "Hey, the admins might hate me for this", but I just simply didn't process that fact. I apologize for my behavior, and lack of roleplay, since I was acting as a rather funny-ish clown, instead of a serious one. I do wish to be unbanned so I may be with my friends, and I promise to fix my act, and always ask before doing anything stupid like that before.. I had the feeling I should ask if it wasn't allowed to be one before I even got the clothes. But again, I didn't think about it, and just did it without asking anyone. I really don't mean harm, or any other type of "bad behavior" on this server. I won't do it again, and if I want to become a clown again, I will remember to get whitelisted first before trying it. I should have roleplayed my actions out, I figure. But I felt the joy rush in as I had fun with soap, and peels. Just playing with people, not necessarily targetting anyone to annoy them, just moving on from person, to person in hopes to get a laugh or two out of people, I wish I could take back what I did, but this is how I shall do it. I am sorry, Bababooey. I promise to fix my act up before playing again.

Re: [BigBababooey] GooglyFox - Doing something stupid

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 10:29 pm
by biggs
You've contradicted yourself in this attempt to appeal. You've acted hastily without showing proper reflection on how you present yourself here and on the server.

"I had the feeling I should ask if it wasn't allowed to be one before I even got the clothes."
is not a statement that can logically follow
"But again, I didn't think about it, and just did it without asking anyone."

Because if you "have a feeling" and you do something anyways. You were thinking about it.

The LRP clowning was the inciting incident, however your other actions also clearly demonstrated a lack of forethought, or perhaps concern with your other behaviors. This wasn't your first ban after all, and you even literally just two days prior got a jobban and didn't seem to have any pause. If it was the first time, I wouldn't be as firm as I am here but you need to demonstrate any semblance of effort rather than general grandiose apologies.

Declined please wait at least a month before appealing again. If you do decide to, I strongly urge showing a proper self reflection about not just this incident, but your behavior on the server in general, and an understanding of what proper server conduct is like.