[Mr_Signmeup] Seekey/Ceekey - Toxicity/Ban Evasion

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Re: [Mr_Signmeup] Seekey/Ceekey - Toxicity/Ban Evasion

Postby Haery70 » Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:43 pm

Very late to the party
and realizing exactly how public discussions work in the first place
but, let me put out a few pointers.

Listen to the admins. The server's not a democracy and it's not rocket science to do so. If an admin, or the server rules, says that something shouldn't be done, then don't do it! I could show you every rulebook that we have for onstation rules, Discord server rules, and Global Community Rules, but I'm pretty sure that you've seen them multiple times. If not, then I'd consider reading them. If they tell you to not post NSFW material outside of NSFW, then don't do it. But, then again, it was Medical diagrams of genitals, so most people tend to have their own interpretations on whether or not it's nsfw due to it's purpose being for educational reasons. But, since the admins decreed that belongs in NSFW, I'd refrain from doing that in the future should the appeal go in your favor.

As for the part regarding the medical diagrams case, you were using it to prove to a CV fan that testicles are not cavities like the uterus and stomach are. Regardless on as to whether or not this is true, this sounds more like a reason to ruin or bash one's kinks rather than kink-shaming
for it has to imply that he's using moral reasoning in their own cultural appropriation to make someone feel guilty about their fetish
, using scientific evidence and knowledge... against a player that doesn't play as a human in a setting where the entire server, and vore itself, is nothing but fantasy (not the D&D style of fantasy, but you should've gotten my gist by now.), which nullifies your argument about it entirely. You could've said that you're not a fan of CV for a reason without making it look abrasive and posting medical diagrams outside of NSFW, and this is from someone who's not into CV. Either way, it's kinda rude to do that to someone when it's their fetish.

But, I have noticed that your appeal is more serious than the last one, which is good. And while you do show some sort of remorse for what you did, you seem to imply that you 'can't change because of the way that your internet life has been'. But, if you believe that being more of a lurker and less of a shit-poster works for you, then it's fine by me. But, do note that if you do get back on you should never try to interfere with one's fun if that fun is not at the expense of others.

But, like the guy above me, I'm somewhat willing to give you another chance. Though, I'd recommend the admins putting some restrictions on you such as a ban on a specific department(s) or certain communication servers such as Discord until the admins feel like you're ready to appeal to have those restrictions uplifted. Otherwise, I'm on the fence on this one.
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Re: [Mr_Signmeup] Seekey/Ceekey - Toxicity/Ban Evasion

Postby Ceekey » Tue Mar 27, 2018 11:33 am

The humor regarding the medical diagram is how pointless the argument was. I had no intentions to kink-shame anybody. Oddly enough, Vore doesn't even strike me as weird. It makes 100% sense the way it was described to me. Of course the biology would be different, we're already stretching stomachs beyond capacities that would kill normal people. If it was interpreted as anything more than a shitpost then I genuinely didn't intend for it to be. The answer given was "It's fantasy" and the reply I gave was, if I remember right, stereotypical reluctant acceptance of defeat.

I imply that it would be difficult to control in a crowd, nothing more. With enough time to think I'm a little more attentive to detail. Some other things have happened in my life that have lead me to being calmer in general. The only issue seemed to be the discord, I truly believe I carried myself impeccably and to the letter of the characters I was playing, but when it comes to people that I consider friends OOC- pretty much any group of people I've known for a while, I cut all ropes loose. The humor that I use amongst friends involves banter, banter that is likely undetectable without the inflections in my voice which might be to blame for all the, craziness that's happened. In the end it was my own fault for not clarifying or at the very least, realizing that people weren't anti-joke but either not finding it funny or not even recognizing it as a joke in the first place. Really, I just need to keep my circle of friends smaller. Not everybody likes me and that's fine, there's plenty of reasons not to.

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Re: [Mr_Signmeup] Seekey/Ceekey - Toxicity/Ban Evasion

Postby nerdass » Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:20 pm

you were okay on the station kinda but I absolutely don't believe you're mentally stable enough to be in the discord at all.
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Re: [Mr_Signmeup] Seekey/Ceekey - Toxicity/Ban Evasion

Postby Aces » Wed Apr 18, 2018 4:15 pm

I still have no desire to have this player back. Apologies for leaving this open far longer than it should of, but denied.

Because I am a fucking idiot and failed to respond in a timely manner, he can appeal again literally tomorrow and I won't insta-reject it, but I don't think my opinion is going to change much considering viewtopic.php?f=41&t=1138 and other stupid shit he's done.
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