[seiga]Herman Henway: Sane & Mature Characters

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[seiga]Herman Henway: Sane & Mature Characters

Postby ThatRandomPerson45 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:38 pm

Byond account and character name:ThatRandomPerson45 (Herman Henway)
Banning admin:seiga
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Whole Server
Ban reason:Started a barfight and manhunt within twenty minutes of joining. Logs included pages and pages of death threats towards other crew members. Shows a disregard for the sane and mature character rule. Permaban applied due to previous notes.
Ban length:Permanant
Approximate time ban was placed (including time zone):~10:15 EST
Your side of the story: So I did technically start the barfight when someone sat down at the bar and I threw the bottle and glass on the table in front of them. Then they picked it up and threw it at me so I threw back at him. He came up to me and pushed me so I punched him and he punched me. Then I chased him and then we sat down, hugged, and made up. Then a police office came in and told us to leave. I asked why and he said because he said so. I used a fair choice of inappropriate language. Then he threatened to send me to the drunk tank and said he can't do that. Then I said I had to pee so I left to go and he told me to stop, I stopped and stood there, he tazed me and told me to stay then he told me to get down so I got down and he went to arrest me and the guy I fought, who I became friends with picked me up and ran away because the cop was going to arrest both of us. Then we hid and eventually I got found, tazed, and arrested. While I was being arrested I did give death threats((in game, I don't feel negatively to the people irl)a lot of them) the cop, the warden, the guy who reported me to the police, and the guy who told the cops where I was. While I was in jail I broke a light and was put in solitary where I waited for my sentence to be over. When it was over I just left the jail and I got messaged by the admin. I told him my character was not insane until he got arrested and harassed, also he was drunk when it all started.
Why you think you should be unbanned:Now about the previous notes, I assume they mean the time I got a 1 day ban for getting totally naked and killed a monkey at the tram station. I was totally at fault for that and I 100% agree that it was a legitimate thing I did wrong. It was kind of a dick move on my part and I still feel bad about it. But I feel like a permaban was not needed in this situation, honestly I do the think the ban was necessary but not a permanent one. I would be OK if it was only lowered and not removed. I feel I did nothing wrong breaking the rules wise other than I was a bit over the top with the amount of death threats. I definetly am not saying I did nothing wrong but I don't feel I deserved a permaban. my character was drunk and got really angry. Overall I do truly apologize for breaking the rules in the past and if this isn't accepted I am sorry that I broke the rules and hope that there are many more people to come and enjoy the server. :D
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Joined: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:19 pm

Re: [seiga]Herman Henway: Sane & Mature Characters

Postby Seiga » Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:28 am

The ban is permanent because of patterns of not changing and multiple infractions within an extremely short span of time. In our setting, characters with the same tendencies as yours would simply be fired or disallowed from entering the station to begin with. You have yet to show that you are here to do anything else.

I'm not, personally, going to accept this immediate appeal. Too soon. Take some time away from our server and if you still feel inclined to play here after that time has passed, appeal again.
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Re: [seiga]Herman Henway: Sane & Mature Characters

Postby ThatRandomPerson45 » Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:25 pm

Ok that is understandable. Like I said I am sorry about whatever trouble I caused.
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Joined: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:19 pm

Re: [seiga]Herman Henway: Sane & Mature Characters

Postby Aces » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:45 pm

Marking this as denied because frankly I agree. You may reapply for appeal after 1 month since your original appeal post. So, February 2nd.
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