[satinisle] Cultivator3747 - breach of bystander consent.

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[satinisle] Cultivator3747 - breach of bystander consent.

Postby Cultivator3747 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:28 am

Byond account and character name: cultivator3747 (note: i forget if BYOND is case sensitive)
Discord ID (if applicable): cultivator3747 (same as IGN, i'm consistent like that)
Banning admin: satinisle
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Entire Server
Ban reason given: (Copypasta from chatlog)
You have been banned for a breach of bystander consent. Posting "(Common) !seems to have swallowed a headset, a digesting mouse squeaking loudly as it glorps down into mush... seems the taur is hungry..." is not acceptable and has made other players uncomfortable. This ban is for three days. In addition to this, the large number of complaints and disruptions that you have recieved recently have led straight to this ban rather than a warning. I also want to mention that you were being far too aggressive yesterday over the denial of talon docking codes, you should have ahelped rather than getting so confrontational. Additionally, when a player asks you to leave them in LOOC you should disengage immediately rather than draw it out, if something about this feels off to you, then ahelp it..

Ban length: 72hr / 3 days (I think? i was lazy on my math)
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): Monday, August 5, 6:40 to 7:00 range. (Explorer crashed while opening calendar.)
Your side of the story: I believe my last radio broadcast involving mice being digested on comms wasn't exactly a breach of consent, if i'm thinking correctly. There were no player mice involved (that i was aware of) and i only intended to convey that i was running thru maints dealing with mice, and demonstrating my character's ravenous hunger. seeing that as the straw that broke the camel's back, netting a ban without warning or a prompt for explanation.

as for the prior events with a research director...

For talon docking, i don't believe anyone was online for it, and we had given up by the point we considered ahelping as the round was going to end soon, so we ditched it and went to play a scene in the bar on the talon. essentially we (I believe ICly) gave up on trying before either of us thought of ahelping it, likely because they had a great point that "No security is available" and we had better, more fun ideas for stuff to do together. i forget a lot of the finer details, but that's all i remember from that round.

Later on as a catslug, i was saying goodbye and leaving when admins intervened. i was pressing the ventcrawl verb on my screen the moment i was teleported away. i then respectfully did my best to stay away from the player's character as much as possible, only running into them as i was trying to leave the circuits room in R&D with a TTS device i had made for my slugcat to be understood at the bar.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I've been doing what i can to burn in the habit of ahelping, but most times either nobody's on, or i don't see a response back. Additionally i get worried i'd be pulling staff away from gameplay or other more important issues. as stated above, "if something about this feels off to you, then ahelp it." - considering i'm banned, well... i can't do that, but i guess i'll be using mentorhelp and ahelp a lot more often when i'm not feeling confident about something, or feel like something is... off... or not right. i've made note of this on my persistent notes (A notepad file i keep important bits i need to memorize or tend to need to reference quite often) and will try to use this more often if i feel uncertain about anything, or something isn't going well.

also, i think i'm going to just steer clear of stuff like that late into the round, like 4:30 to 6:00 range and try to nix the big stuff early so we have time to wait for administrator/GM intervention. the round duration occasionally plays roles in these issues, and it's not pleasant for either side, but it happens.

there are a lot of things to do, but this is a good step forward. Fix the big problems now, the little ones matter less.
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Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:55 am

Re: [satinisle] Cultivator3747 - breach of bystander consent

Postby satinisle » Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:42 am

This appeal is being denied.

"(Common) !seems to have swallowed a headset, a digesting mouse squeaking loudly as it glorps down into mush... seems the taur is hungry..." sent over the common radio is explicitly a breach of bystander consent and a rather egregious one at that. It's a rather detailed, albeit short, description of digesting an animal alive. We've got plenty of endo players and people who just don't want to hear that, it's very clearly a kink thing. There are plenty of more subtle ways to hint about your voracious capabilities without broadcasting what is clearly a kink to everyone on the server.

This would probably have gotten a warning, but it is not the first time I have contacted you regarding bystander consent. I personally feel that a three day ban is very light given the large number of times and the frequency that you have had to be contacted by staff for your behaviour. You have had plenty of time to read the rules and prompts to do so, but I recommend taking this time to learn them properly and take a short break from virgo. If we need to take action again after you return, the ban will likely be longer than this.

The other two points were something that staff had wished to follow up with you on but you were not available when we wanted to do so, rather than them being the ban reason themselves I just wanted to make sure those points were conveyed now, seeing that the next interaction I had with you involved banning you too. But I am glad that you are willing to take a step back from these situations and ask for help in the future, I hope that you are actually able to follow through with that.
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Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2021 3:03 pm

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