Byond account and character name: Stevononono, Noms-the-Wires
Discord ID (if applicable): archerln
Banning admin: unknown
Ban type (What are you banned from?): banned off Discord
Ban reason given: N/A
Ban length: permanent
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 07/06/2023
Your side of the story: I pushed too many limits, and it came to a head when I mentioned the pirate bay, which violated discord's TOS. I deleted the mention, but the action still stands... as do the prior ones.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It has been almost 5 months now, and I think that after a good while improving myself as much as I can, I may as well at least try to start making amends for my frankly horrific behaviour. having been shown my note history, I realised that maybe there might be something fundamentally wrong with me, but with practice, this is something I can change, and the best way to prove I've changed at least somewhat is that I can be on the discord as a functioning person and NOT upset anyone for stupid reasons... I do not know how, but before, I managed to fail even that, somehow. It's taken a lot of time, and several IRL therapy sessions to work through, but I think I might be ready to be let back on. The Best compromise I can see is just being allowed back on, but somewhat muted, like I can only see chats, rule updates etc w/o actually being able to post anything myself, and after half a year or so, I get my permissions back.
Or... you can just reject the appeal. I completely understand if you do, you did say your goodwill has dried up.. me being the only one who posts here even semi-frequently is... proof of that... to put it lightly