[Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

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[Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby Muffindrake » Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:31 pm

Byond account and character name: Muffindrake, Xanthus
Discord ID (if applicable): Muffindrake#0196
Banning admin: pontifexminimus
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server and Discord
Ban reason given: After a motion for a quality control ban, the vote has passed with 13 in favour and one person abstaining due to not being on the server that much when they're online. Reasons cited are continued toxic and elitist behaviour to other people in the community (as an example : trying to get people fired when they don't immediately hand out things said people don't even possess, stealing patients from others while they're not even on the same crew, continued usage of LOOC to berate and belittle people), as well as an inability to keep IC and OOC separated and issues with metagrudging other players out of petty rivalries. Ultimately they have been given a second chance already and did not grasp it in a satisfactory way.
Ban length: Permanent
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 2020-11-22 13:31:46 server tz
Your side of the story: Placing that ban was correct at the time, my behaviour too acerbic. My poor coping mechanisms for a poor IRL situation weren't an excuse to be a dick towards quite literally everyone online trying to have fun in what's supposed to be a friendly environment, not some sort of competition.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Being banned from here has always sat as a black mark in the back of my mind. I did truly enjoy my time on the server when I wasn't being toxic to people, and I've since cleaned up my act and would like to come back.
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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby PontifexMinimus » Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:29 am

Hi hi hi hi very sorry Christmas time is approaching fast!!

Well, I'll be honest here, you were kind of incredibly toxic to the server, hence the overwhelming majority on your QC ban.

I'm not entirely sure if we should give you a chance again. I'll have to consult the other admins.

However, I do think everyone deserves another chance if they're contrite! I just absolutely do not want a repeat of your previous behaviour.
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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby Muffindrake » Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:36 pm

There will not be a repeat of that again. I prefer to waste my time in ways other than needlessly getting upset at characters on a screen at this point.
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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby biggs » Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:25 pm

I have no personal interest in seeing elitist, toxic players return to our server and I would want to have some manner of actual proof that you've gotten better. Now, you are before my time, so this is really just me holding a light opinion on the matter at the end of the day. But personally, I'd like to see a vouch from elsewhere confirming you don't do such things anymore and have a level head nowadays, as even glimpsing back at old notes gives me reason to be wary.
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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby Kenzie » Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:02 pm

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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby Muffindrake » Fri Dec 16, 2022 4:48 am

Kenzie wrote:https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=658888

Not convinced.

TG is an environment where roleplay as you see it on Vore is the major exception. They have significantly different rules on conduct, barring doxxing and hate speech of any kind you will hardly see language or tone policed, and the environment is very much extremely competitive, especially if you're an antagonist. This is the entire content of my admin remarks, which is mechanics-related. Their 'roleplay' servers for the most part only have different conflict escalation rules. The content of that ahelp is very much an outlier for me, where I wasn't in the best of moods, and not par for the course.

I spent a lot of time on Sojourn 13 (which is HRP) to the point where I've burned out on it, where I've not had any issues with bad behaviour whatsoever, and even fixed much of their text (1https://github.com/sojourn-13/sojourn-station/pull/817) at the time since it was based off a Russian code base. Chompers doesn't have a map I particularly enjoy, so my playtime there is non-existent, at least in the past year or so.
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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby Muffindrake » Fri Dec 16, 2022 5:00 am

That being said if the conduct seen in that ahelp was a regular thing you would definitely see punishments applied. My remarks are empty aside from mechanics-related shenanigans, however.
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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby Muffindrake » Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:16 am

Suggestion: Put me on a probationary period for a year with zero tolerance for toxic behaviour and if I fail to abide by that, permaban me without appeal.
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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby Scree » Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:36 pm

Muffindrake wrote:That being said if the conduct seen in that ahelp was a regular thing you would definitely see punishments applied. My remarks are empty aside from mechanics-related shenanigans, however.

See, the thing is, the peanut thread suggests it is a regular thing.

If this was 6 months ago I'd've banned him for being a sputum floating their way through the toilet bowl of life, and dared the other 2 headmins to overturn it.

Some of their recent tickets include demaning an admin tell them if someone was messing with telecomms so they can decide whether to suicide or not, demanding an admin revive them because their cryopod didn't seem to be working, and ahelping to complain that all of their traitor rounds have been ruined recently, as well as to complain a maintainer was trolling them and closing their tickets.

Oh, did I say some of their recent tickets? What I actually meant to say was this is a cross-section of their tickets from a single shift 11 hours ago.

This guy's ahelp quotient is enough to train half a dozen admins how to respond "IC issue" and "Rule 10" per hour.

This lizard is constantly making admin complaints and ban appeals over petty reasons. This lizard needs to chill the fuck out. Quite recently they smashed a bunch of windows around engineering as an atmos tech while I was watching, and they refused to stop. They used the excuse of them wanting insuls even though the windows they smashed had absolutely nothing to do with obtaining them. They never explained the actual reason, even when I captured them, and even when I started demoting them.

They also got extremely mad quite a few times. They thought I messed with the air alarm on a delamming SM, screeching at me then salting in dchat.

I think this lizard needs to go to therapy or something to sort out their anger issues, because sometimes they become a salt mine.

An awful lot of your time on the forums there seems to be admin complaints because the admins refused to intervene on your behalf to tell other players how you think they should be playing the game.
Particularly asimov AIs when you're playing a lizard. Even from a mechanical PoV you see how that's an issue, right?
And threatening admins with admin complaints when they smash the IC issue button. You see how that becomes an OOC issue, right?

Specifically, the kind of OOC issue that got you kicked out of here in the first place.
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Re: [Dragor] Muffindrake - Server and Discord ban

Postby biggs » Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:49 pm

Gonna keep it a buck. Most players don't have that many notes in 5 years here, that you have there in one. Now, maybe they're more notehappy, but those seem like the kinds of ways that we would note. And that peanut thread doesn't give me any faith your legacy of behavior has changed. You've only convinced me even more that you don't seem like a fit. And none of what you provided is anything resembling a vouch. Simply evidence you existed somewhere and contributed which, this isn't a Fallout game's morality system where you can give 50 bottles of water to homeless people to offset killing a city of people. Both things exist and do not cancel eachother out. You can be toxic and also contribute to a codebase's grammar.

I've gone from lightly wanting to see a vouch, to needing to see a very convincing one. And until then unless a really good one shows up to discredit everything else, very much a no thanks from me.
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