[nerdass] lukanoktorios - flagged as underage

Moderator: Game Admins

[nerdass] lukanoktorios - flagged as underage

Postby LukeyStrike » Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:35 am

Byond account and character name: lukanoktorios
Discord ID (if applicable): lukeystrike
Banning admin:nerdass
Ban type (What are you banned from?): banned from server and Discord
Ban reason given: flagged as underaged
Ban length: indefinite
Approximate date that the ban was placed (including time zone): 2020-06-29 17:19:05 GMT+2
Your side of the story: I don't quite remember it in full detail, but I said something that made the admins think I was underaged, which at that time I was not (I was 18 years old by March 2020). Due to lack of an ID at the time, I couldn't disprove it. Due to mental instability (and let's be frank, stupidity), I escalated it to an unreasonable measure by posting about it on Reddit, which I deleted after some time. What I did was stupid and I take full responsibility for it. The reason I'm appealing only now and not four years ago, was partly because I was ashamed of myself and also because I stopped playing SS13 after this and forgot about it.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I believe that I've changed enough as a person over those years, also it's been quite a long time. I am not sure if I deserve forgiveness, but I might as well give it a shot. Once again, I'm sorry for what I've done.
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Re: [nerdass] lukanoktorios - flagged as underage

Postby JoanRisu » Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:34 pm

Hello! Before we process this appeal any further, we must verify you're actually of legal age.

To proceed, you must PM Joan Risu (me) here on the forums or send a message request over Discord. Do not send a friend request, it will be ignored.

You will be given a passphrase and asked to take a picture of yourself with your ID and the passphrase on a piece of paper.

The following requirements must be met on your photo submission:
  • The ID MUST be government issued or impossible for a minor to obtain.
  • I need you, the ID, and the passphrase in the same picture. You MUST be holding all items up next to your face or in the same frame.
  • I need to be able to read the date of birth on the ID.
  • I need to be able to see and compare you to the photo on the ID.
  • I DO NOT NEED your name, ID number, nor an address if it is printed on the ID. You may digitally censor that information.
  • You MAY take an additional close up picture of your ID ONLY after meeting the requirements above.
  • You will be asked to delete the images afterwards once verification is complete.

Do not post your personal information on the open forums. All information MUST be passed through PMs.

For further details please review this instructional comic:

When you are ready, please DM Joan Risu.
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Re: [nerdass] lukanoktorios - flagged as underage

Postby JoanRisu » Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:16 am

Age verified, this appeal may go forward and be processed.
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Re: [nerdass] lukanoktorios - flagged as underage

Postby JoanRisu » Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:27 am

Appeal approved and ban has been lifted. Please let me know if you have difficulties getting onto the server or discord.
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