IC/OOC Room Rules: IC Post Length

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IC/OOC Room Rules: IC Post Length

Postby Zeni » Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:36 am

So a chat mod has informed me and the very few others that attend the chat that there's a rule about the length of IC posts within the IC/OOC room, barring most scenes.

What is the point? The chat is incredibly tiny, why force people to split it up further by shoving them into other rooms? Ekachat's vore room is IC/OOC and there's no such rule, and there are no problems. If someone really doesn't want large posts cluttering up OOC discussion, they can just mute the players (and re-enter the room to clear the posts).

In lieu of the relief of this rule, can we get another IC/OOC room and just make Space Lobby OOC? I don't think that's a great idea, it would nice to keep everyone in the 'landing' room, but it's better than not having a real IC/OOC room.

Edit: Realizing that this post has a bit more of a hostile tone than I intend, yet I don't see where to tone it down. ;~; So I just leave this: I am not angry, just mildly annooooyed, dumb rules are dumb!
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Re: IC/OOC Room Rules: IC Post Length

Postby orbisa » Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:17 am

On the other hand, all the IC chatrooms are never used... Space lobby IC is most of the time is silly and one, two liners, you can also always whisper your IC interactions when you want it to be longer...
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Re: IC/OOC Room Rules: IC Post Length

Postby Aces » Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:25 pm

Eka's Chat actually does have such a rule that sessions longer than 1 hour are to be moved to the IC room. We poorly enforce that policy, which is resulting in some problems. I really need to properly write the rules for our chatroom. For now, refer to Eka's rules.

Space Lobby is more designed for silly idle conversation with topics that rapidly change. IC room is for dedicated roleplay. OOC room is for dedicated out-of-character discussion. I might just get rid of the IC/OOC room all together.

However I would like Leshana to add multi-room support for clients, so you're not restricted to one room at a time like Eka's is. This way you can still roleplay without clogging up other people's conversations, and vise-versa, they can also chatter without clogging up your RP with nonsense.
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Re: IC/OOC Room Rules: IC Post Length

Postby Zeni » Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:21 pm

The next version of the chat (C5?) is going to have a feature like 'group private messages' where people can have their own small room of sorts that they can have open while in a normal room, so that will kind of handle the needs of the players, but if you desire for the IC rooms to be used more, it doesn't quite help there. :<

I knew about that rule but I'd only seen it enforced once in about three years of haunting the IC/OOC room there, and it was because the players were posting 30+ lines of bizarre DBZ battohling. xD Generally if no one complains, scenes go on for hours regularly there, and people rarely do complain.

Thank you for the rules update! I understand what you mean about separating things out but I just don't think a chat this small should be separated much, but idk, that's just my preference.
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Re: IC/OOC Room Rules: IC Post Length

Postby Aces » Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:30 pm

Zeni wrote:The next version of the chat (C5?) is going to have a feature like 'group private messages' where people can have their own small room of sorts that they can have open while in a normal room, so that will kind of handle the needs of the players, but if you desire for the IC rooms to be used more, it doesn't quite help there. :<

I knew about that rule but I'd only seen it enforced once in about three years of haunting the IC/OOC room there, and it was because the players were posting 30+ lines of bizarre DBZ battohling. xD Generally if no one complains, scenes go on for hours regularly there, and people rarely do complain.

Thank you for the rules update! I understand what you mean about separating things out but I just don't think a chat this small should be separated much, but idk, that's just my preference.

We are running C4. We're pretty much the testbed for C4.
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Re: IC/OOC Room Rules: IC Post Length

Postby Kayleen » Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:50 am

We're using C4, not C5. :P

C3 is what ETA and VH currently use.
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