[General] Tech Courses open!

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[General] Tech Courses open!

Postby orbisa » Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:39 am

Dr. Richard D'angelo posted:

As you will probably know, with the Exodus MK 3 advent we will have a lot of new technologies and stuff coming out, we won't be exactly on the cutting edge of tech save for Redspace technologies, but we posses Dr. Kisuke for those, and he already does a great job at it.

So, many of you probably noticed but I decided to step out of the Redspace field, and I will focus on practical applications of today's tech, taking the mantle of Proffesor and spreading the knowledge of the tech we already have so hopefully most if not all the crew of our dear station know a bit more than pressing buttons and make things work.

I will offer two different curriculas, one will be focused on adapting to our new tech, and will be mostly short courses with practical, inmediate applications, with no nonsense guides and tips, focusing on safe and easy uses of our new tools. Good practices will be included.

The second one is aimed to enthusiasts, on the assumtion that some of us could end in a situation where we are stranded on an abandoned station, things like opening doors when one lacks access and insulated gloves, remote control of the station systems, how to catch prey the intelligent way in case monkeys are the only source of food available, from booby trapping to various non lethal methods of takedown, the construction of alert systems in case xenomorphs overran the station and you need to know when they passed what you though was a secure area, and even emergency space travel!
RetiredEnslaved Coder
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