Lucky Blog

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Lucky Blog

Postby TheDavestDave » Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:13 pm

Lucky posted:

update 2321-04-09 1815 written on V4 transportation system

Pilot decided to a beach trip to the resort. Spent an half hour relaxing by this cave I found, photo attached.
beach.jpg (135.57 KiB) Viewed 28752 times

I found it by accident with my GF, there was some anomaly here a few days ago, she dug out a lot of weird stuff with it, many of it precursor. I'd be happier with her here but I think it would be rude to wake her. It's been useful to calm down after an eventful shift. I took some photos of the wilderness but the camera bugged out of me. Robocist-T claims it was bluespace interference, and it's been a while since I last used one.

Most of the shift was talking until the gateway, I would have rather stayed station side and poke the underdark a bit. I think the mimics have started taking the form of trees now, or at least that's easier to explain to the station than trees chasing me down. I got very lucky, I waited a few seconds eating a ration pack, when I went through the receiving gate was uncalibrated. Both the PF-H and Pilot were surrounded by those things. We seemed to have three of them each like someone placed them there, mine decided to go after the pilot. I tried to return fire with my hold out but I think it only got me on their raider. They started to drift towards me, dragging a trail of snow, the rest behind it after they one punched the pilot. Worse thing still in the snow we were equal speed. Only catching up to me when I had to doge a real tree unable to do anything but run in a straight line. Wasn't until I found a shuttle landing pad I could outrun them. The outpost wasn't powered, did let me crowbar doors, likely access restricted. Not sure anyone actually believed me when I got back. PF-B has shot many of those fake trees before, not sure even he believed me when I asked for help over the radio. Had I not had paranoia drilled into me from other PFs dieing I'd be stuck there alone, no other use I've found for a multi-tool.

Officer A came will full riot gear, laser rifle and shield included. I think it gave her a fighting chance against one to be honest, managed to distract one off her and she wasn't dead when I ditched it and returned.

I'm having to make my own way back next shift, I didn't pay attention to what the pilot was doing so now I'm stuck here. Beats a spaceship anyway.
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 10:57 am

Re: Lucky Blog

Postby TheDavestDave » Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:41 am

Lucky posted:

update 2321-10-04 2232

so I can glue pictures to old news articles, I don't have to pick one.

It was a more relaxing trip this time. EL-N seems to be more together after the peace talks. I was worried he might be going in because he's pressured to not because he's ready. He looked relaxed the whole trip. GF looked happiest I've seen her in a while, beeping happily and teaching, not having orders barked at her from RD-E.

The trip went mostly smoothly, only a few frogs and a giant spider. Some of the anomalies were dug up and they really didn't like speaking. Signing was fine and I didn't get a picture of the ghostly figures that appeared. They didn't react to tasers, lasers, or rocks hitting them, and phased through solid walls. The more people spoke out loud the more something we couldn't see attacked us. The sealing on a locker stopped any reactions from the statues causing all this.

Had to cut the trip short, someone went into the underdark with just a tank, gas mask, and winter coat. I was left to run down. The q-pad and Bag of holding didn't play nice again. I thought it'd just teleport me somewhere with ground, the last two times I was teleported outside or teleported into the bridge with no way out. This time it teleported me two stories above the ground. Medical weren't happy about my sensor readings after that, even if I did patch myself up. Also found out that the lever action rifle I brought back is an ineffective weapon against spiders. Takes at least 6 shots to kill with a rifle that holds five rounds. The old thoing didn't even take the stripper clips I found next to it. I think I may have annoyed the on station medical staff bringing the poor teshi in. Due to the lack of void suit the defibbed worked. And because I still had all my explo/medical stuff on me they could have walked home, if the tramadol was a little stronger. Managed to wheel them in and got them a clean bill of health as I rushed back to the rest of the team.

I spent some time at the beach with GF unwinding, told her about when I was first an explorer poking around with xenoarch stuff, and wondered if she'd be mad at how many artifacts I broke because I don't know how to use the stasis field. It was nice just being able to snuggle alone, and the alone part took some effort, half the station found the spot I wanted for the picnic.
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 10:57 am

Re: Lucky Blog

Postby TheDavestDave » Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:19 am

Lucky posted:

update 2321-04-12 0533


The blog doesn't want to show the full image, there's more pictures but you need to open it in it's own tab to see them all.

Well v4 caves got fucked again. Some "bike" dealers with a pulse rifle, horde of hive bots, and turrets. Managed to pick a fight with a super hive of spiders and a super hive of xenomorphs. Yeah that's what we did that day.

Luckily, PF-A isn't against getting the station to help, and has more tactics than throwing yourself at the enemy until you die. Although there was a fair share of stupid. ERT-A joined us as pilot, apparently left his ERT-phone at home today. First thing he did on pointing out the pulse laser the "bike" dealer had was to jump in front of the shot. Starting the theme of friendly fire. We got the person out, were smart enough to get full station support rather than solo it ourselves. I don't have many pictures of the spiders, I was too busy. The dealer's hive bots did most of the fighting, and not against us for once. It didn't take too long for them to crumble. Sec was the next lot to get beat up, but didn’t get any lasting injuries. Phoron spider at our entrance base got us hard, seemed to knock most of us SSD and the rest were pretty beat up. Although Officer A was upset that her hair fell out later.

Dealer had a repurpose mining outpost in the cave, inactive turrets, more high end energy weapons. The fighting was heavy with the spider den north, and didn't get a second to rest constantly running to get the critical people out of the front line and into the bunks. Used so much bicarb I had to mix more with my inprov and carbon pills. Most of the injuries were burns, I suspect someone was not checking firing lines with the suppression guns we found. By the end of it I was refilling my KeloDerm mix bottle with just Kelotane pills. The more numbers helped, I didn't have to rush things so badly and I think we were only geared to attack the xeno because the spider queen gave off some rad blast as it died, forcing us home. Some pilot and an officer wandered off alone at some point, people were against me rushing off to help them. This whole day I only fired at one thing, I don't understand why people think I'm so bad at running away from things. Doubly so when the whole reason started to learn first aid was because they won't ever retreat or stand down. Just leaving me to pick up the mess.

After the breather I took the time to quickly restock, the fighter was easier than the first time, thankfully because GF got the turrets online. The other half being the amount of antitoxin gear I grabbed on the way back, more than double what I actually needed. Although that didn't stop ERT-A from vomiting all over my makeshift med bay. Combat was much lighter, thankfully as the hive bots had almost all been wiped out at this point. Just the crew left attacking the throne room. Not enough injuries to stop me taking photos this time.

Looking back it feels odd how many initials start with A here, this must be getting silly to read, maybe I should try giving them fake names and not just their job and initial.
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Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 10:57 am

Re: Lucky Blog

Postby TheDavestDave » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:22 pm

Lucky Posted:

I've not had too much happy to talk about, but I've not posted for a while. GF and I broke up a few days ago. Not taken it too well. PF-D is back with the same problems. Not enjoying being told off for not likeing heavy fighting. We've had a new explorer hanging about recently. Very new to the sector not seen her talk to people a lot here.
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 10:57 am

Re: Lucky Blog

Postby TheDavestDave » Sat May 01, 2021 2:51 pm

Lucky posted:

update 2321-05-01

fish.jpg (22.83 KiB) Viewed 28637 times

top all the fish I cooked useing the tamed fired
left me
right FM-J

I managed to use the tamed fire safely. The fish didn't taste as good when I held it over a bonfire for a while. And I have been told I will get spaced if I make a bonfire on the shuttle.
CD-E was surprised I didn't muck up. And BT-A wasn't there to see annoyingly. Still trying to convince me salt is an edible rock. I suspect his species eats a lot or rocks as he is VERY insistent that salt is okay to eat.

I haven't had much to post about here. Everything has been a bit samey for a while. Met a few new people but no one here long enough for me to consider them long term. XB-C has been spending a lot of time with me, and while I do get to be real subby with her she isn't much of a romantic. I have been wondering how much of me not being the most popular is less about me being subby and more subby and male. I've noticed the popular people of my gender tend to be very dommy and very preddy while I am never of those things.
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 10:57 am

Re: Lucky Blog

Postby TheDavestDave » Thu May 13, 2021 8:18 am

update 2321-05-01

the cloak returns, ali just had it. Still upset I couldn't get it myself, and that he did all the work even when I asked him not to.
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 10:57 am

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