Name of Item: Common-to-Xeno
Item description: Return to Kryzzyk if lost. This is required for them to understand common.
Sprites (or link to sprites): Already a tool that exists?
Any additional resources: Same as Sprites, its the Universal Translator that science can print out.
BYOND Key (Username): Farbott
Name of Character: Kryzzyk
Main Job(s) of Character: Barmaid, Command Secretary, Maid(Janitor)
Why your character should have this item: Honestly, comes down to just being a silly tool for character interaction! The xeno is intended to be common-deaf so a device to get it through to her would be very handy.
Additional Notes: Figure it'd be a fun character idea to have someone not understand the common language without a translating tool, this is just to get it per shift than hoping a scientist will be on every time!
Fluff Item slots already used: 0