1. What do I need?
-An ID with engineering access. That's it, nothing more, you can even go do it naked as long as you have the ID with access. Chief engineer, station engineer and atmospheric technician get those.
2. Where do I go?
-There are four solar arrays on the station, one at each corner of the station, you need to go into the mainetance tunnels to access them. They are behind the yellow airlocks.
This is a baystation map, so it's a bit different, the crossed array doesn't exist on VORE.
3. What do I do?
You will see a console, and a big white boxy thing (called Power storage unit, A.K.A. SMES ). First you go to the console, and click the "automatic" setting. That's it, you dont have to touch anything else. Next you turn to the SMES And you will see something like this:
1. Click this button.
2. Click this button and set it to 110000
3. Click this button and set it to 60000
4. Click this button.
However, the most likely scenario is that the SMES charge will be 0% (the big orange/black bar at the top) , which will cause the output to automatically switch to offline. If that's the case, go set the rest of the solars, and come back later to set the output online when it has at least 1% charge.
Repeat for all 4 solar arrays. Congratulations, the station will be forever powered and you don't need to do absolutely no kind of mainetance for this setup to keep working. Now you can go back to ERPing knowing that you did your job correctly.