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[b]R&D Guide for the Lazy Scientist[/b][br]
[small]By Dr. Richard D'angelo[/small][hr]
[small][b]Disclaimer:[/b] This is an small guide made for friends that got over stressed by an easy job, that only requires you to be mindfull of your resources and enjoy what is basically, a treasure hunt. Aditionally, since this is a lazy scientist writting this guide, I will assume you know the basics.[br][/small]
[list][*][small]First things first, Research doesn't starts in the R&D area, it starts in robotics, so order from the roboticist three syringe guns, or if none available, make them from the Exosuit fabricator. They will take a while, so come back to the lab.[/small]
[*][small]let's start it simple, place a capacitor in there, then a high power cell, and then build an advanced capacitor and deconstruct it, this will get you to power 4[/small]
[*][small]you will get an analizer from the mechanical bluebox, a flamethrower from the advanced autolathe and a tracking beacon from the protolate. those will get you engineering 2, plasma and combat 2 and bluespace 2 respectivelly, make and deconstruct some mesons to get to engineering 3 , now sync and go back to robotics. [/small]
[*][small]Your syringes will be done, so sync up and order/make three super capacity cells, you will come back later and deconstruct them, reaching power 6 [/small]
[*][small]Before we continue, make a nanopaste, yes, it's expensive, no, I don't care, make it, and sync, it will get you from materials 4 to 5 and that will allow the roboticist to love you, since it will cost less materials for him to make stuff, so be sure to yell for a sync.[/small]
[*][small]Allright, now go to the autolathe, and make four large beakers, take them with you to the chemistry lab of the asteroid, fill them with acid, don't forget to take the plasma bar from there and then come back here. Don't forget to give one of those beakers to the roboticist, as well as the little one you begin with.[/small][br]
[*][small]Since we can (not) advance(tm), we will make circuits, deconstruct first your plasma bar and make and deconstruct the following circuits in order:[/small]
[*][small]Pacman. Subspace Receiver. (3)Durand weapon targetting system, make that one three times, Relay Mainframe, those will get you to bluespace 4, plasma 4, combat 5 and Data 5, sync. [/small]
[*][small][b]Bonus:[/b]If you are an RD, you can take one more plasma bar from Xenobiology, this will allow, if loaded, to build a plasma gun, not only is an excelent weapon for Security (It makes people puke), it also brings you to plasma 5 and combat 6.[/small]
[*][small][b]Bonus:[/b]If you can convince the captain, or an RD with a welder destroy the windoor, you can get the One human and Ai purge boards, wich will get you to materials 7, and the antimov will get you to illegal tech 5, all the boards there should be destroyed though, since they are too dangerous anyway to remain in station. The Ms. Pacman board might be reliable, try to make and deconstruct one[/small][/list]
[small]This is as far as the lack of minerals will get you, my suggestion is to go and find a nice and warm place to rest, and continue reading when the miners come yelling.[/small]
[small]Okay, somehow you got minerals, hopefully you didn't raided the vault using a wormhole Ripley, so Central is not on your ass, load some minerals in the protolathe, you won't need more than 3 of gold and silver, and not even more than 6 of the others.[/small]
[list][*][small]Give the rest of the materials to robotics, and ask them to make an hyper capacity cell, power 7, also, if you don't have the illegal tech already, ask them for an energy relay, it will get you to illegal 2, you don't need them anymore, so say goodbye.[/small]
[*][small]Now, you will probably get a lot of people asking for a shrink ray, good idea, make one, it will get you to bluespace 5 and redspace 2, if you didn't had the bonus, make an advanced energy gun and reach materials six, by the way, once our levels are high enough, they don't fail as often, or even (good weapon to hand to security)[/small]
[*][small]Now, make two diamonds drill, one goes for the miner, no exceptions, if the miner didn't brough plasteel, it goes to the roboticist, since he needs it, this will get you materials six and will be slightly cheaper than a diamond (unless we got adamantine, becouse you don't waste the tasty tasty mitril, we are done with materials, sync with the roboticist)[/small]
[*][small]Make a plasma gun if you didn't before, hand two to security if you didn't before, you will reach plasma 5 and combat 6, and that's it for those.[/small]
[*][small]If you didn't before, make a Ms pacman board and deconstruct it, it will give you Engineering six.[/small]
[*][small]Missing Elements: there is a way to get electromagnetic 6, I don't know it. You can get more bio with a Xenomorph brain(s), more redspace with a calamity sword, materials 8 with either adamantine or mytril, more bluespace with phazon parts[/small]
[*][small]Finally, Illegal tech, make two chameleon suits, that will get to illegal 4, if you can get mitril, you can make a energy sword, bringing you to illegal 5, letting you make energy bows, wich will bring you one more step.[/small][/list]
[small]And this is it, not a perfect guide, it could be optimized more, but, this is the lazy guide after all, I didn't ran numbers, just tried to keep to my department[/small]
[i]Dr. Richard D'angelo[/i]
[size=85]Note: Working on Exodus Mk II & III[/size]
Goes in paper form in-game.