[Call For Help] Spriting

Make shiny things to maybe appear in game. Or just dump all the sprites you've been working on. We might use some of them, or other people might use them.

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[Call For Help] Spriting

Postby AmIPanda » Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:48 pm

This seemed like the most appropriate place to put a thread like this. I wanted to ask anyone if they could help me with one, simple thing, or rather, one simple set of things.

I don't know how to edit on body sprites of uniforms, or to make on body sprites that connect to an item, such as a uniform accessory. So far all I've been able to do is resprite in hand icons for some stuff off the Baystation files I have from their GitHub. The reason I want to know how to do these things is twofold:

1) I want to be a special snowflake and apply for custom items to one of my characters, because they are my snowflakiest flake.

2) I wanna start spriting stuff on my own time, and eventually move from recolouring to actually making my own, original sprites!

If anyone would be willing to help, I would very much like that!

If anyone is interested, screencaps of the stuff I've redone off of Bay:

Uniform accessory, supposed to be a lifeguard band that goes around the upper thigh:
This is just a recolour of an armband that I did. It's pretty rough here as you can see there is no shading, but this was my first ever attempt at doing anything with sprites. I just added a cross because I couldn't figure out how to make it look like it had lettering on it that spelled Lifeguard.

Lifeguard swimsuit, to be worn as a swimsuit...as a lifeguard:
This was resprited from the the black swimsuit, to be red, and I actually paid some attention to shading and such, as well as adding the white cross to the chest. Can't tell if it looks lifeguardy or like it's a Swiss Army swimsuit.

Edit: I've figured out where the on-body sprites for everything are, made a copy, and edited accordingly. On-body sprites:
Back: Image
Face right: Image
Face left: Image

Funky redone badge that I redid for no reason:
I was thinking about using this for one of my sec characters at some point, I just don't know how to relate it to an accessory that can actually be put on a uniform,
as well as making sure it actually looks kind of like it does here on the uniform. Might leave it as like a holobadge that can't be attached if I ever wanna make it a custom item.

Funkier badge, redo of a different sprite:
Same as above, except now it's bigger, with a bigger sun, and it's fancier than all hell. Basically for a head of security imo. Unfortunately, I have horrible sprite etiquette and mashed the original sprite, so now I have to reconstruct it if I want to mess with it again.

Large webbing from bay, but only the in hand icon:
Fluff stuff for an engineer. Large webbing, not a vest, except black, with golden buckles. Just to be edgy and stand out a little more.
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Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:12 pm

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