EAL Orgin option

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EAL Orgin option

Postby techtypes » Tue May 30, 2017 12:52 pm

So had this idea for a while, though have gone with a thing I called a BioTech implant that is basically organic machinery that alters particulate organic parts or organs for very particulate uses. i used it mostly to be an explanation to why one of my chars could speak EAL back when you did not need the implant and for it to be fully capable of being cloned with the body thus why not being lost after cloning.

I did bring the idea up in development area of discord but some pointed out reasons why might not work so when to rework it a bit mostly on the idea of organic matter not being able to replicate mechanical sounds to that level or the frequency needed to hear it this is what i have managed to work up in my mind to answer or at lest put a reasonable layer of believability to the idea so here is my idea on how the EAL BioTech implant works.

The BioTech implant for EAL works as a three part implant but are all under the same implant, do to the complicated way of this implant it can not be removed from the organic in question with out a highly train professional in the removal of the implant, BioTech will mold and fuse to the muscle and tissue of the implanty fully fusing after a week. Specific to the EAL BioTech implants it will alter ones main or second most will versed language, primarily native tongue languages, this will be clarified under Implant model 998EA-34.

Implant Model 998EA-33, alter the vocal cords of the implanted person using some research from that of the lyrebird and a few alien organisms possessing similar to it, the vocal ability of the lyrebird to replicate not only bird calls but mechanical sounds like camera shutters and even chainsaws as well as a few alien animals on the further rims of space, this proved to be the easiest way to make the sounds needed for this language spoken by organics with out needing a regular implant that cant be cloned promoting a saving of time and money.

Implant Model 998EA-34, alters the hearing and the left frontal lobe of the brain giving one the ability to both hear up to a frequency of 300khz much like a Greater wax month but was toned down to match EAL frequency, and processes EAL in full. Alteration of the left frontal lobe made to specifically to alter one's understanding of language will make one fail to understand the specific language it is made to target but will understand EAL on the same scale as that Language in question, making each sound understood in the same way as words of that language is.

Finale note: The BioTech implants can only be updated by applying a new one over top the old removal of a BioTech can only be done though removal of the organ in question and that organ sent though a langthy posses, thus removal of brain and ear related implants like Model 998EA-34 will in most cases result in death of the subject unless special steps are taken to ensure the body and mind will survive the time needed, all cases of successful removal of BioTech mind implants has resulted in memory loss, impaired judgment, reduced impulse control, and/or other undesirable results, as a result only ones willing to live with the BioTech implant should ever take it.
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