The Robotics Overhaul. Or something.

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The Robotics Overhaul. Or something.

Postby swat43 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:34 am

As a player who always played on Baycode and seeing similar things on Polaris, ive noticed some.. issues regarding Robotics.
And i shall list the problems in few lists and explain each of these.

1. Resource consumption.
2. How much Robotics is required.
3. Item construction on the machinery.
4. (A suggestion mostly) Diversity in Robotics.

Right now, knowing personaly that the rock does not spawn a lot of resources, its really hard to build much on Robotics.From one point, it could be explainable that the station is probably stationed at a place with low resource yield, but then again, this can be painfull for high resource consumption departments. That is the robotics. The machinery right now eats alot of steel which is like the base need for ALL of items in Robotics. For this i would like to give the RnD team a chance to fix this, by of course upgrading the research which lowers the consumption by low but if you upgrade the machinery with the correct compartments, reduce the consumption by 25-35% of the materials due to high cutting edge technology. Its does the same even if we dont, but the consumption will be only lowered by mere 10% roughly?

Allright this is.. somewhat a personal issue i have. Ussualy robotics is right now.. lets be honest not that great. Its there, but..for show mostly due to the new station. If the station could be made to have its own patrol points, and if given Robotics a bot control cartridge (To set basic bots to patrol, except beepers or ED's since those are security ones) it would give a meaning for robotics to do something atleast early before they can go do something else or lewd.

From the newest update, i noticed the fact that Robotics is unable to make one thing that was always available. Power cells. If this is a small bug to the code fine by me.

And this is something i wanted to have in Aurora but no one bothered with the idea, is, have the mechs being modifieable. By that i mean, have the chance to change the Chasis type (Like in Mech warrior online) To improve the armor/degrade armor for mobility. Or the chance to increase the power saving with a micro manipulator (depending on the tech of the manipulator) or give bonus or extra battery with the capacitors or it works as a back up battery once your main battery is down (Mostly to return to base for recharge so dont waste it for more mining)

Of course, these are ideas, everyone is open for discussion. Lets be civilized and cool! ^.^
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