An alternate absorbtion thing?

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An alternate absorbtion thing?

Postby ArgobargSoup » Wed May 25, 2016 7:18 pm

So after a line in the wiki about an unused gamemode called "meme" caught my eye, I ended up looking it up. Basically the "Meme" is a purely mental being residing in the subconscious of an existing player, with said player not noticing that they're a host until the Meme acts, speaking with their voice, even possibly taking control over them, with the goal to spread to other players.

I was thinking... what if this whole secondary consciousness thing/code was adapted into an alternate absorbtion process? Like somehow, in exchange for being even harder to extract, the pred risks the prey speaking with their voice or even doing something?

Would lead to interesting scenarios. Urist McSmalltalk: "Oh hey, what's the weather like?" Urist McPredator: "...We're in space, what do you HELP I'VE BEEN EATEN BY ignore that." Urist McPredator has punched Urist McPredator in the face!

Or maybe, to go totally crazy, an absorbed prey could take over if the pred goes SSD. Who knows?
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Re: An alternate absorbtion thing?

Postby somekindofpony » Thu May 26, 2016 7:02 pm

Absolutely yes please. +1 for meme.
Posts: 180
Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:23 am

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