"I can't log into the chat!"

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"I can't log into the chat!"

Postby Aces » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:05 am


Come on guys. I want to ditch Skype but some of you are complaining about the chat being broken while others have had zero problems. Could you guys please post about it instead of complaining in Skype where no one will help you? I don't want to forceably kick everyone off the group chat but you're going to make me do that if it means getting the community properly focused where they belong. It's unhealthy for the community to use Skype and not the forum. It excludes new people from the conversation and adding each new person is not practical. We have players months old who have no idea the Skype group exists.

Stop using it.
Use the chatroom.
If chatroom don't work, tell us it don't work.
Or at least tell us why you refuse to use it.
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Re: "I can't log into the chat!"

Postby Aces » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:53 am

Also it's come to our attention that some people like Skype because it's mobile, while a web browser is not.

I don't really think that is a good reason but we'll make an app for that anyway if enough of you seriously need to have mobile SS13 speak.
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