by SinineCady » Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:25 am
Egg laying is already available if you set a belly to Transform/Egg. Granted, you have to have someone in there who's willing to be TF'd into an egg to do it...but totally possible. I've done it multiple times as my primary character.
Note: Monkeys work great if you're just going for the ovi aspect, and not wanting to TF someone. Problem is, if you do this and try to 'hatch' them out of the eggs, they come out brain-dead.
Cheshire asks, "Why do you have a fire extinguisher?"
Security Cyborg-752 states, "Laizare sexually identifies as an ambulance."
Damarik Laizare says, "Beep beep."
Cheshire asks, "Wait, seriously?"