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[suggestion] Groping aka the (im)proper way to say hello

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:52 am
by Shadowmane
Ok, this one came to me last night when I was on station. What if it was possible to grope an adjacent character by targeting their groin and clicking on them with intent set to 'help'? I mean, I know you can just roleplay this sort of thing out, but think of how funny it would be to make it an actual game mechanic. I mean, I'm sure there would be those who could use such a thing for meme-ing and whatnot, but let's face it, the whole point of this mechanic is to cause funny/arousing situations~ And if that is a concern you could always make it a 'subtle' emote that only plays for those nearby.

Re: [suggestion] Groping aka the (im)proper way to say hell

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:40 am
by Mr_Signmeup
Yes, you can just roleplay it. It doesn't need to be a proper mechanic in the game just for giggles to see small blue text saying [your character] squeezes [their character's] groin. It'll add nothing but a few laughs when it is first implemented... then die off... Or security will be called to attend a lot of sexual harassment cases.