Yell at Ace thread

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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Heroman3003 » Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:55 pm

Ace wrote:One last chance to be better

Honestly, at this point I have no faith. It will be same as always, another short burst of activity and trying until yet again another thing catches your attention, drags you away and status quo is restored.

I was willing to give you benefit of the doubt at first but seeing how you still just can't accept that you need to let it go?
No. I don't believe that this debacle has made you understand anything. You still hold onto something that doesn't want to be held by you. The fact that you ask for yet another another another another chance shows how little you've understood. Every time it is this same thing. I don't think we need to wait a month to get a vote. Especially if that month may or may not be filled with shady activity and equivalents of propaganda to get you to stay. Let. Go. Make it easy on everyone, including yourself.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby AZUCHI » Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:56 pm

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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby zammyman215 » Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:56 pm

the blackmail scheme you had about Hoodoo

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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Kayleen » Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:57 pm

Ace, I want to know by what basis you're giving yourself an entire month before the vote. Why give yourself a second (or third, or fourth) chance like that? Isn't unfair to allot yourself such a long delay?

The cynic in me says it's just because you want time to swing people in your favor, or to hope people will have forgotten all this shit by the time the vote comes around now. Why not just hold the damn vote right now?
Last edited by Kayleen on Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby AngelusDominusRadiant » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:00 pm

You are cool tho. Pat yourself on the back for slogging this long with something as thankless as head admin of an ss13 server. But you had to burn out at some point. It was inevitable.
Yes that's a Dwarf Fortress reference. I regret nothing.

4realz tho dont stress yourself over it, at the end of the day this is just a spessmen game made to have fun

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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Wickedtemp » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:00 pm

Slingding wrote:YOU are the one who had the fucking gall to post "Hey when I get back I want to review and ban these 10 people I dont like". .

Out of curiosity, was I on that list?

He made a huge announcement detailing all of his fuckups and mlemistakes, but I'll be totally honest, I don't buy it. This literally happened a couple days after we had a forum thread about Staff's, and in part, HIS behavior, this EXACT behavior. He said he'd work to improve it, and now look. To a thunderous absence of applause.

The fact you were holding another person hostage over a ban appeal is absurd. It should have lead to immediate removal from your role in Staff. You can't improve to such an extent to help your image in a matter of days, nor weeks, nor months. If you were a player, just a regular player with no connection to the Admin Team, you would have been banned for toxic behavior. Not just for that, but for the many examples prior. It's made me pessimistic about your "oh but THIS time I'm REALLY going to change, I swear it!" -- sure. As far as I'm concerned, you had plenty of chances to not fuck it up already dude.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Iroquois Pliskin » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:03 pm

This vote you're claiming will happen will be a sham. You know it, I know it, the community knows it. How many times have you asked for input from the community and chosen to throw it away when it didn't match your hopes? Look at all the work Dragor put in trying to give Virgo a unique lore (it was FUKKEN QUALITY, by the way) to replace your shamelessly ripped off Halo lore. Look at the number of admins who have thrown up their hands in frustration and subsequently thrown in the towel. The blackmail scheme. They lies and backdoor dealing.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away for good, so save your breath and step down while you still have some kind of dignity left.
Todo: Not fuck up.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby LiquidFirefly » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:04 pm

Slingding wrote:That fucking bomb

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I gremlin
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Westfire » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:07 pm

Right, time to give my piece.

Ace, I don't interact with you much. Partly because of timezones and such, and also because I try to avoid it. You scare me, and having been perma'd once I've actively tried to interact with you as little as possible, especially recently, because apparently you have a list of heads you wanted chopped and even before I knew that I always felt like I was never really welcome back.

I don't know what the straw was today that you did, but holy shit. I usually discounted or mentally downplayed all the horror stories I've heard about you over time, but after watching your actions in chat enough times, banning people for little reason other than you not liking, them, apparently having a blackmail scheme with someone, the iron bootheel you've been shown to constantly try to push down onto anyone who dissents time and time again... I can't stay quiet.

Fuck, I was afraid of even posting in here earlier, but at this point fuck it.

I'm going to go ahead and echo what others are saying, Ace. Enough's enough.

"Hey when I get back I want to review and ban these 10 people I dont like". .

I also want to know if i was on that list.
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Re: Yell at Ace thread

Postby Jboy2000000 » Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:07 pm

People seem to be talking about supposed blackmail pretty casually considering that is actually a crime. Like, a fairly big crime at that. What is the backstory there, exactly?
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