Coding in disposal - Opinions?

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Re: Coding in disposal - Opinions?

Postby Arbon » Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:53 pm

As Zeke is saying in more depth and detail what I've also been saying, at this point I should mention that we already can mechanically leave half digested corpses around. Digest until someone is in crit and you can see severe burns all over their body, then pop them out before the corpse actually reaches -100 health to vanish completely. I've actually done this for a scene before (while OOCly leaving painkillers and burn pills next to the toilet, so they could get up and walk away from it ICly >_>) and its just not a very common thing to do because 'digested but not dead' is very boring to the prey player in most cases, and doesn't have the finality that most predators will tend to prefer. It isn't used much, but its already an option here.
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Re: Coding in disposal - Opinions?

Postby Vorrarkul » Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:41 pm

For me, the biggest concern is what's been highlighted before: that certain jobs would essentially become scat-lover only slots. Security and detectives in particular would be affected, and medical as well. Hell, medics already are usually keenly aware of the mortality rates on the station, being the people to operate the cloners.
Frankly, this is something so controversial that it might be better left in roleplay. Even spidertaurs are pushing it for some arachnophobes I've talked to.
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Re: Coding in disposal - Opinions?

Postby Scree » Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:48 am

Yeah, if someone plays detective and this is implemented, and scat is a thing that squicks them out, suddenly they can't do their job any more because the HoS is ordering them HEY YOU, GO POKE AROUND IN THAT PILE OF CRAP.

If things are done in text and someone walks in on someone RPing out curling off a loaf in the bathroom, they can easily LOOC "whoa okay pretend I was never here because I don't want to take part in that sort of thing". Or the people RPing can LOOC "oh, hey, you might wanna duck out of this" when the door opens and just hold off on hitting enter on their RP posts until they're out of sight.

Leaving an actual physical item in game is waaaaaaay more likely to result in people having this stuff thrust upon them that skeeves them out. It's the same objection I have to having people make cum as an actual reagent or whatever, because someone will leave it in glasses in the bar and suddenly a good chunk of the station's population can't go for a drink without being forced to break prefs.

Putting in something for toilets to or whatever to give a message is fine, because they're in a nice secluded private cubicle and nothing persistent is left in-game. Leaving a pile of physical remains, though? You have no idea who's going to stumble across the room next.
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Re: Coding in disposal - Opinions?

Postby Gramzon_the_Dragon » Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:05 am

I'm personally against the idea as well.

I may enjoy some "lighter" disposal of bones and clothes as a pred, but I don't want to be around other people's leavings. The DNA thing would only discourage my use of the feature anyway because I have a hard enough time dodging security when approaching someone to scene. I also main medical, followed by security, followed by janitorial... So no matter what job I do I have a decently high chance of A: scanning remains for a clone B: at minimum having to investigate some piles or C: having to clean up the piles.

It also presents some breaking of immersion for me. When someone finds you shit on the floor AT YOUR WORKPLACE, why do you have a job still? Almost all characters seem very numb to some tings that would absolutely horrify an actual person (example, rape victims who are perfectly fine afterwards as if it never happened). Finding human skeletal remains is traumatic, now those remains are in a scat pile. You don't have the excuse that getting cloned erased your memories because you're not the one who got digested.
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Re: Coding in disposal - Opinions?

Postby Aces » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:08 pm

I think the community is pretty unanimously against this. Going to lock this now. We're not doing disposals outside of toilet mechanics which are outlined in another thread. No boney remains or whatever.

Maybe in future we can code it in and make a config option, but we're not doing that now, and if we do, my server is keeping that config turned off.
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