April Osterweiss

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April Osterweiss

Postby Vorrarkul » Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:20 pm


April Osterweiss didn't always work on Virgo; her original assignment was on a station known as Arbalest. Her duties there ended abruptly when its resident AI went rogue, killing the majority of the crew. April was one of the survivors rescued by NanoTrasen, and her expertise in robotics, combined with her exotic tastes, landed her a job on the Virgo Orbital Research Establishment.

After making friends onboard, she retired for several months to spend more time with her father, Henry Osterweiss. But now she is back on Virgo and ready to nosebleed at Keegan once more.

And that is her story so far.


Accessing personnel file: April Osterweiss...

File: Excerpt, Regarding Medical and Psychiatric History
Author: James Kirkland, Psychiatrist
Her right arm and left leg are mechanical prosthetics, from the Arbalest Incident. Said incident has had an effect on her psychology; while a capable roboticist who trusts synthetics of basic intellect, she has an irrational paranoid fear of anything resembling true sapience in a machine. This has led to at least one instance of her constructing military hardware inside her laboratory, in response to the crew electing the resident AI as the new captain.

File: Excerpt, Regarding Employment History
Author: James Kirkland, Psychiatrist
She worked at the Arbalest Research Outpost until their AI, known simply as Mr. Arbalest, went rogue and began using pieces of the crew in engineering projects. April herself lost two limbs to the computer's borgs before help arrived. A capable roboticist, with a little knowledge of engineering to round out her resume, she's assigned to Virgo of all places due to her... interest, in certain things.

File: Excerpt, Regarding Security Concerns
Author: James Kirkland, Psychiatrist
Most of the time, she is a loyal and dutiful member of the crew. However, when around AIs or borgs, she can become paranoid and erratic, often antagonizing them and 'preparing for their inevitable betrayal'. She has no trust for machines smarter than Beepsky, and should be kept an eye on when around them.
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