... _Procedure
Help me rewrite this for each department.
Security is one I'm handling. Help me write the others.
Moderator: Game Admins
Wickedtemp wrote:The only department that I've really worked in is Medical. Sadly, there isn't much to re-write unless we're adding things in.
We can remove the bit about viral outbreaks, I believe they've been taken out of the code because I've never seen one here. That would leave "cloning a suicide/voluntary death".
Now, being VORE, voluntary deaths happen frequently. So I think that it should be changed to reflect that. "Given the nature of the station and crew, voluntary deaths are a common occurrence. Once assured that there isn't a DNR on medical records, cloning should be done UNLESS there's substantial doubt that the death was a suicide." Also while I know that the Captain has final say in most things, but I think that cloning suicides should be a "Forbidden by CentComm. Bring the body to Central, they will investigate and decide whether or not to clone." kind of thing. First off, the Captain isn't a medical professional, it wouldn't make too much sense to give them the final say here. Then, I'm wondering about the "genetic scan is automatically considered to be a 'clone upon death' request"... A lot can happen in a 6 hour shift. They could've gotten a scan at first, then maybe something real shitty happens. Suicide would be acceptable in that circumstance, they do it, but because they had a scan they're now being cloned. So I think it should be made more clear that "Absolutely a suicide" =DNC regardless of a previous scan.
Honestly, suiciding characters don't normally contribute anything but negative drama, the rule on suicides should be much more strict to prevent that. Out of three or four times I've seen a character commit suicide, twice I was told that it was fine. One time was when a character had a LOT leading up to it, so I can agree. But the other time was just someone killing themselves because they lost their job, as far as I can tell. Anyways... Back to SOP.
There should be a "What to do when a patient refuses care." here. And it'd likely go like this.
If the injury is life threatening, provide painkillers and talk with the patient. If they die as a result it can be treated as either a suicide or a voluntary death, depending on what investigations reveal. The CMO can give the order to forcefully sedate the patient for treatment. If it's a lesser injury, ensure it won't get infected or worsen, then let them be. Any fractures are to be splinted at the absolute least, if not treated.
If the patient refuses anesthesia before a surgical operation, use a painkiller. If they refuse the painkiller, use it anyways or inform them that you can't cut open someone without them being numbed beforehand. This is for a number of reasons: 1) It's just plain wrong. 2) Pain = Involuntary muscle movement = bad when in surgery. 3) It'd probably pain-crit the patient, which is bad. 4) Seriously, no good doctor would do this. 5) It'd likely also be illegal under Neglect of Duty/Malpractice.
And a further OOC note: I understand that some people dislike the black screen that anesthesia gives you. But for christs sake, don't pull the "IM STRONK! NO FEEL PAIN!" card.
But I'm 100% sure that if I refused both, they'd send me on my way.
Then there's...lets see... Aside from doing real micro-managey stuff like "SoP dictates that bicardine and shit should be on-hand, use your medical belts" which is something I would NOT want to see, I'm not sure if there's anything left to add...
Maybe something about following the Hippocratic oath or something similar, maybe? I think I've already touched on the things that I normally run into here that would require a bit of a manual. So! Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?
Aces wrote:
We did have a discussion over that, and the consensus with admins was it should be "Automatically clone unless you have blatant evidence that the person committed suicide. Someone has to witness the act, find a suicide letter, etc. Just because someone beat themselves to death with a crowbar according to autopsy doesn't mean they did it on purpose. (Might just be some dolt not knowing the game mechanics. You should probably Admin PM.)"
There should absolutely be a part of SOP regarding suicides.
I have mixed feelings of this. If they refused to be sedated, you can just inform them that you cannot perform the treatment safely and not do surgery at all. But I prefer there still being an option. If someone wants to die of their own stupidity that's their prerogative.
It's probably worth adding some basics. "Emergency Medical Technicians should be equipped with X, Y, Z." That's about it. Normal doctors have everything they need in the medbay. Maybe also talk about what to do in certain emergencies like a phoron spill. I wrote up a whole guide for that.
Yes. [In response to the bit about adding a bit of the Hippocratic oath into SOP]
Scree wrote:Oddly enough, a friend of mine went in for surgery on his hand after he sliced it with a knife and nicked a nerve, and the surgeon had to completely put him under as he couldn't risk even the slightest movement.
Whereas brain surgery - the brain itself doesn't feel pain to they'll often keep the patient awake and talking and holding conversation and answering questions and so on just to make sure they've not sliced anything important.
Regarding suicide, the reason we have the "if there's a scan, clone them" thing is so we don't end up with some dickhead CMO declaring that a willing vore scene was suicide and refusing to clone them.
Bear in mind that suicide is actually a thing we'll slap people for OOCly, so it's easier to just clone them and ahelp it if they offed themselves purely for the sake of cheap drama.
Wickedtemp wrote:Scree wrote:Oddly enough, a friend of mine went in for surgery on his hand after he sliced it with a knife and nicked a nerve, and the surgeon had to completely put him under as he couldn't risk even the slightest movement.
Whereas brain surgery - the brain itself doesn't feel pain to they'll often keep the patient awake and talking and holding conversation and answering questions and so on just to make sure they've not sliced anything important.
Regarding suicide, the reason we have the "if there's a scan, clone them" thing is so we don't end up with some dickhead CMO declaring that a willing vore scene was suicide and refusing to clone them.
Bear in mind that suicide is actually a thing we'll slap people for OOCly, so it's easier to just clone them and ahelp it if they offed themselves purely for the sake of cheap drama.
I don't think I'd want to be awake for brain surgery, mainly because of the whole "Gotta crack the skull to get to the brain." part. Even if I didn't feel pain, I think I might still feel SOMETHING and just know "Yep. That's my skull." which would likely be followed by a pathetic whimpering noise and tears, because that would terrify me to such an extent that I would die inside.
But uh... Yeah, for me, bottom line, if patients aren't numbed at least with Tramadol during an operation, I'd be tempted to slap them with "medical negligence", otherwise you'd have a screaming patient. And it'd be implied that involuntary muscle movements would result from pain, causing more problems. I'm not sure if there's even a drawback to just throwing the patient down and cutting em open, but RP-wise, there's plenty of reasons.
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